Blog#1 Topic#3

By:Emma, 41788134, Helen 559887135

We find a lot of differences of learning English between children and adults today. First, children regard learning English as entertainment, it’s fresh and interesting to read a “wired” pronunciation. They are curious about a new language and have passion toward it. As for adults, learning English is just a mission for them which makes them feel under too much pressure. They are not willing to know deeper about it. Secondly, children have better memory to learn vocabulary, but it’s a big problem for adults to spend a lot of time on remembering new words. Children are not embarrassed to speak aloud in front of people or speak to foreigners. On the opposite, sometimes it’s awkward for adults to speak English because they are always concerned that other people would laugh at them. However, adults are more logical to learn grammar, structure and they have critical thinking to learn English. To sum up, children and adults have their own advantages and disadvantages to learn a new language.

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1 Response to Blog#1 Topic#3

  1. Karli Smith says:

    Very interesting! I’m wondering if you could come up with some ways to alleviate the stress that comes along with learning a new language for adults? I agree that there are both advantages and disadvantages no matter what age you are learning a language at.

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