Aboriginal Medicine Wheel

Written by Frank Fang #35236132, Christian Zheng #47259130 and Chester Zhao #45834132

Due to the difference in the culture backgrounds, Canadians and Aboriginal peoples share both similarities and differences in the philosophy of health. Canadians regard physical and mental health as their definition of health. They pursue a healthy lifestyle, such as the free of illness and the happiness of sprites. Meanwhile, the Aboriginals also value the concept that health belongs to human’s itself. In addition, the Aboriginals believe the harmony between human and animal, mineral, plant and human as part of health. Not only do they share the similarities, but their philosophies on health are also differing. Canadians have very concise attitudes towards health, which contain two elements, happiness and illness free. In contrast, the Aboriginal peoples use complicated measurement to explain their health. The aboriginal wheel is the best example for that. They use a wheel to divide all their health issues into four main sections, including white, yellow, black, and red. The four sections of the wheel represent the interconnection of life, the various cycles of nature, and how life represents a circular journey.

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1 Response to Aboriginal Medicine Wheel

  1. ranson says:

    Great, concise explanation of the medicine wheel. Remember when referring to the “Canadians”, describe who you mean and specify what makes the Aboriginal Medicine Wheel so special.

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