Green Canada

It is well-known that Canada has an abundant amount of natural resources ,such as forest, water and wild animals. For example, on our campus, napkins and bench are all made of recycle materials. And everyone need to classify their garbage before throw them away. At the same time, the First Nation in Canada do not waste any parts of animals after hunted them as well as plants. These are all “green” details for Canada to build an eco-friendly country.

As for individuals ,they are many general tips, we can create a greener world just by doing some easy things.To start with,it is necessary to switch off lights before leave the room.This is an efficient way to save energy.Besides we should separate bottles and boxes from other garbage,so that they can be recycled in a scientific way. It is everyone’s responsibility to support the recycled work. Last but not the least, we can choose to buy used textbooks instead of new books. This can not only help us to save money, but is also a fantastic way to avoid wasting forest resources as well.

To sum up, Canada is a really green country. That everyone lives here is supposed to take every effort to build a Eco-friendly living environment. Every small actions will become useful if we persist it for a long time.
Aining Yu 58605130
Lily 53536132

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How does British Columbia do to be a “green” province? How could they improve? (Group Ashley, Cassie and Johnny)

Cassie Liu#51557130
Ashley Zhang#19049139
Johnny. Fang#55617138

How does British Columbia do to be a “green” province? How could they improve?

Cassie found that in order to be a “Green Province”, British Columbia has done many measures to achieve the goals. In winter, because there is very cold in Canada, as well as BC, people use a lot of natural resources to keep warm. Install heavy curtains on windows and glass doors to keep in the heat.On sunny days, open south facing drapes and let the sun in, a natural source of heat. And Ashley noticed that as British Columbia is a province with a rich diversity and abundance of native species and habitats. What British Columbia now trying to do is to improve the current situation with pollution prevention and continuous improvement in air, land and water quality, and some other actions to reduce short-lived climate change. What Johnny have got was that BC province had set many goals to be a “Green Province”, such as the breakfast toast was handmade by your neighbours and taking public transportation. Some of them have already been achieved. And BC has also done some steps to help the travellers to help achieve the “Green Goal”.

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What does UBC do to be a “green” campus? What could they improve?

Emma 41788134
Tracy 52663135
Andrew 51869139

When it comes to the “green” campus, UBC is the model who pays attention to be “green” in several ways below.
First of all, At UBC, we classifies garbage into at least 3 categories, which are recyclable, bottles and waste. It is easy for garbage bins being accessed in every where of the campus . Secondly, there is also a special book store available in UNC called “Green Text Book store”, where many used books can be sold in lower price than those brand new books. In such a way, not only can save the papers used for textbooks, it also lessen students’ pressure in finance. Moreover, we use meal boxes made by paper instead of plastic. It is environmentally friendly because it is easy to recycle. However, there are still some negative aspects in our campus, including using plastic knives and forks. We’d better to bring our own tablewares so that we could have those materials cyclic utilization. In addition, Cloth dryers waste a lot of energy, the most environmental friendly way to dry your clothes is to dry it by sunshine.

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How “green” are you? Personally what can the people in our group to do become more”green”

Helen55987135 Mavis50595131 Winson57016131

In our group, all of our group members do something to protect the environment.

We always turn off the light whenever we leave the rooms. And we never use the disposable products. What’s more, we take public transportation instead of private vehicles. But we don’t think these things are green enough. There are some goals for us to become more “green”.

First, we should donate old newspapers to animal shelters and take your plastic shopping  bags back to participating grocery stores. Better yet, purchase cloth or canvas grocery bags and skip that part altogether.

Second, we also need to turn off the computers after using. Our computer may go to sleep, but it is still sucking up energy. So it is necessary to turn off the computer when we leave.

Finally, we ought to put a cover on our pools when we are not using it. Not only will it keep the water cleaner, but it will keep it from evaporating, saving you refills.

In conclusion, there are lots of other things we can do to be environmentally friendly. We can’t fix out all the problems by ourselves  but we will do our best to make the world become more “green”.

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Blog#2 What does Kelowna do to be a “green” city? What could Kelowna do to become more “green”?

Toby Hu #53665139  Alex Chu#56309131 Kevin Wei#57955130

Compared to most of cities in China, Kelowna is quite a “green” city in general. They have cycle path beside all the roads as to encourage citizens riding bike instead of driving. These can reduce a large amount of the waste gas released by car. And there are not too many skyscrapers in the city that can help people get rid of light pollution. Moreover, many companies in Kelowna got the green business award such as Sunshine Farms, Cintas Canada Ltd and Optic Sign & Marketing. We can see that businesses in Kelowna concern about the sustainable development other than focus in the profit only. However, what does count is not deeds, but thoughts. That means in order to become more “ green”, Kelowna needs to strengthen citizens’ awareness of environment protection. In addition, the transport network in Kelowna is not perfect enough. Taking buses in Kelowna is not convenient so people are not willing to choose going out by public vehicles. Therefore, the transport system should be developed. To sum up, Kelowna is “green” to some extents, but it still has assignments to do aiming to become more environmental friendly.

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Blog #1 Topic #3 What major differences have you noticed between learning English as a child and learning English as an adult?

Written by Toby HU #53665139 and Chester ZHAO #45834132

Children have less obstructions when they learn English. First, children do not need to earn their livings, they can learn English without worrying about their financial situation. Therefore, they can devote themselves into learning. In fact, children have a better chance to practice English, especially as an additional language learners. They can speak with their peers all day long in English. Meanwhile, adults have less time to learn an extra language because . In addition,  children are able to learn English easier by imitating others, because they have good memories. However, adults can be self- motivated to study. It means they can manage their time more properly and efficiently., which are the capabilities children do not have. Finally, adults usually refer to their first language when learn English. Those adults tend to apply their native grammar rules on English expression. In contrast, children is learning a brand new language that they can can accept new rules easier compared to adults.To sum up, people at different ages have their unique study methods which result different approaches to learn English.

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Blog#1 Topic #3

By:Kevin Wei  #57955130         Dorothy #40360133

The major differences between learning English as a child and learning English as an adult are attitudes and ways. Firstly, the children generally has less patience to learn than the adults. For example, the kids would like to have more activity time to “play” with the words instead of being quiet and reading in English. On the other hand, If the adults want to learn English, they will pay more attention on their work. Furthermore, it is not hard to find that most of the kids learning English from teacher, obviously, adults have their own ways to learning English. For example, as adults, the knowledge from classes fulfill the their eager about vocabulary, grammar and writing skills. Then, for children, they would not use their time on study. As for adult, they would feel more  comfortable  to write and practice individually. At the same time, it builds their confidence about what they learned as well. In sum, both of these groups of people has efficient ways to learn English, despite the adults is totally different to child’s.

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Blog #1 Topic#3

by Mavis #50595131; Lily #53536138; Winson #57016131

There are many differences between children and adults for learning English. For children, they learn English in an interesting way. For example, when I was a child, I learned English by playing games and watching cartoons from Disney. But for adults, they learn English in reading novels and practicing everyday. Adults have the chance to travel around the world to learn English by studying the cultural background of the language. They are self-ragulated and have a lot of patience to learn English.

To sum up, children don’t be afraid of making mistakes but adults always are concerned about what other people think of them. Also,children have better memory than adults but they have less patience. Adults can understand the grammar and academic vocabulary. But it is hard for adults to change their accent and mind of English.

In conclusion, the major differences between children and adults for learning English are that they study in different ways and attitudes. These two ways both have advantages and disadvantages in learning English.

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Blog#1 Topic#2

By:Davis Lee 40883134, Rita Yu 45654134.

It is difficult to learn English individually sometimes,so collaborative learning and group work can help us learn from each other and make the learning experience much more interesting .

When someone has some questions and confusions about english,maybe there will be someone in the group who is able to help him or her.Sometimes that question maybe the whole group doesn’t know how to figure out,then we can all learn together as one group.Or when somebody has some intersting things want to share about English,all of the members can benifit form it.

And also in a group,we can do lots of intersting activities about English,so that we can learn English as well as we are having fun.In additional,we can also communicate with each other,which helps us not only with the oral English,but also can help us learn the different culture,meanwhile,we can form good friendships with our partners.

In conclusion,leanning in a group collaboratively,we will not only achieve the goals of learning English,but also we will have a great fun learning experience and solidify the relationship with friends.

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Blog#1 Topic#3

by Cassie Liu #51557130
Frank Fang #35236132
Andrew Liang #51869139

There are numerous differences about English learning can be found between adults and children. For instance, adults focus on the logical rules and grammars while learning another language. Due to the fact that a mature language learner is good at applying the rules on their own language use. Therefore, during their speaking and writing, grammars and certain rules of the learning language are more focused than the actual content. In contrast, when children are learning a new language, their focus are based on natural and unconscious learning. Because children are not mature enough to have the ability of critical thinkings, they can not learning their target language through a logical pattern. Thus, children can only learn the specific skills and knowledge that taught by their teachers. In conclusion, obviously, adults pay more attention on logic aspects of English learning; however, for children , natural and unconscious study is the core of their learning process.

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