GSCS grad conference 2011 CFP

It is time to start advertising for our annual Graduate Student Conference! Featured below is the full call for papers, designed by the amazingly talented Janelle.

Beyond the norm: changing and challenging perspectives on social research
May 6-7, 2011
Department of Sociology, UBC

Keynote speaker:
Dr. Jennifer Jihye Chun, Assistant Professor, Sociology (UBC)
Faculty Fellow at the Liu Institute for Global Issues
Author of Organizing at the Margins: The Symbolic Politics of Labor in South Korea and the United States (Cornell University Press, 2009)

The GSCS seeks proposals for papers for its annual interdisciplinary graduate conference, at which graduate students can share empirical findings and theoretical insights on path-breaking, controversial, or under-theorized dimensions of social research. Papers, panels, posters or multi-media presentations are welcome. Either submit an individual proposal or propose a panel along with other students.

Please submit abstracts of up to 250 words to:
Deadline: March 4, 2011

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