
Urban Ethnographic Field School

Urban Ethnographic Field School is a 6-credit summer program
run jointly by the UBC Departments of Anthropology and Sociology. Both Presidents of your SSA completed the program in the summer of 2013, and one participated as a mentor last year. This is a particularly powerful and transformative opportunity for students in the social sciences (you don’t have to be a SOCI or ANTH student to apply!) looking for any of the following:

– To gain constant feedback and training in conducting qualitative research methods of participant observation, interviewing, and community mapping.

– Experiential and community service learning as well as classroom meetings each week provide you with both theory and practice of social research and understanding our complex, modern society

– Deepen your understanding of key theoretical issues related to migration, transnationalism, social inequalities, and multicultural communities through hands-on, collaborative research with individuals, families, and communities

This year’s instructors are Dr. Kerry Greer (Sociology) and Oralia Gómez-Ramírez (Anthropology).

The SSA knows the instructors, the program, and the application process well. I personally encourage anyone thinking about this program to email me at or visit to ask questions and apply. I am aware that organizers of this course are, as always, giving careful thought to what students are looking for and it is very exciting to see this year’s changes! Highly recommended.

For more information, please see UEFS flyer to see more details!

Events Garden Get Involved!

ANSO SSA Gardens Big Success!

Take a look at how big our beautiful crops have grown over the past few weeks! Some things are ready to be eaten!

newest gardens 2

newest gardens1

newest gardens 3

Events Garden Get Involved!

New ANSO Community Gardens are Shaping Up!

Anthropology and Sociology departments have started a community garden on the patio just beside the main entrance to ANSO! The Sociology Students’ Association is pleased to be able to participate in this project, and we have been given to planters. Some of the executives planted them last week and here’s what they look like today. Starting from the top left and moving clockwise, we’ve got Oregano, some tomato and flower seeds coming in, mint, kale and strawberry, cabbage and cauliflower (if I remember correctly), and cilantro and chives. Can’t wait to see these fully grown! 

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