
After analyzing gaps in the existing public washroom infrastructure, there was a total of 108 new potential washroom locations. Of this 51 were in parks, 22 in transit stations, 33 in commercial and historical centers and 12 along Vancouver’s greenway network.

A map of proposed 24 hour washrooms to services bars and nightclubs in downtown Vancouver.

Late Night Public Washrooms

On a smaller scale, analysis was conducted using the same methods on the availability of late night washrooms. Using the City of Vancouver’s data on business licenses, the location of bars and nightclubs in downtown Vancouver were determined. These were analyzed in relation to the existing public washrooms that are open 24 hours a day. The results found severe gaps in public washrooms that are available late at night for potential intoxicated patrons, who need to use a washroom. A smaller buffer of 100 meters was used as the people are more likely to urinate on the street than walk a large distance to a washroom (Di Ronco, 2016; Fjaer & Pedersen, 2014). 7 new, downtown, 24 hour bathrooms were suggested to adequately cover holes in the existing network based on the density of liquor establishments.