How Long Does THC-O Stay in Your Urine?

THC-O is a relatively new cannabinoid that is gaining popularity for its potent psychoactive effects. However, many people wonder whether THC-O could lead to a failed drug test, since it metabolizes into the same THC metabolites that typical THC products do.

So how long does THC-O stay in your urine? Here’s what you need to know.

Factors That Impact THC-O Detection Time

Several key factors impact how long THC-O remains detectable in urine, including:

  • Frequency of use – The more often you use THC-O, the longer it takes to leave your system. Frequent users may take 30+ days to test clean.
  • Metabolism – speed – A faster metabolism processes THC-O more quickly. As we age, metabolism slows, lengthening detection times.
  • Body composition – THC-O stores in fat cells, so higher body fat % can prolong detection.
  • Hydration – Well hydrated individuals may flush metabolites faster.
  • Medications – Other meds can slow the enzyme that metabolizes THC-O.

THC-O Urine Drug Test Detection Times

The window THC-O is detectable in urine can vary dramatically depending on personal factors:

  • Occasional users: 3-5 days
  • Moderate users: 5-7 days
  • Frequent users: 10-15 days
  • Chronic heavy users: 30+ days

As you can see, detection times span a wide range depending on individual usage habits.

Tips to Clear THC-O from Your Urine

While abstaining from use is the only guaranteed way to pass a drug test, here are some tips that may help flush metabolites:

  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Exercise and sweat to burn fat cells
  • Eat clean, with antioxidant-rich fruits/veggies
  • Avoid fatty, sugary, or processed foods
  • Consider a quality detox drink

Can THC-O Cause Failed Drug Tests?

Yes, THC-O can absolutely cause a failed marijuana urine drug test. When metabolized, THC-O produces the same THC metabolite that typical tests screen for.

If you have a drug test coming up, abstain from any THC product use for as long as possible beforehand. Be aware that frequent users may require 30+ days to fully clear all THC traces from urine. Drink plenty of fluids and exercise leading up to your test date.

For safe & effective detox support, browse THC cleansing formulas guaranteed to help you pass your test.

The Takeaway

  • THC-O can stay in your urine anywhere from 3-30+ days
  • Detection times vary drastically based on personal factors
  • Completely abstaining from use is the only surefire way to pass a urine drug screen
  • For the best shot at a negative result, stop use ASAP and utilize detox methods before your upcoming test

Hope this overview gave you a better idea of THC-O urine detection times. Stay informed and be smart when partaking while job hunting or on probation requiring drug screening.

Let me know if you have any other questions!


Does THC-O show up on drug tests?
Yes, THC-O can cause you to fail a standard drug test for THC and marijuana. When metabolized by the body, THC-O produces the same THC metabolites that typical marijuana THC does. So urine, blood, saliva, and hair follicle drug screens will detect THC-O use.

What does THC-O metabolize into?
In the body, THC-O metabolizes into 11-Hydroxy-THC. This is the same main THC metabolite that gets screened for in most standard drug tests for marijuana.

Does THCA show up in drug test?
No, THCA (tetrahydrocannabinolic acid) will generally not cause a failed drug test. THCA is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in raw, living cannabis plants. It does not metabolize into THC within the body under normal conditions. So THCA products by themselves are unlikely to make you fail a drug test.

How far back does a 10 panel urine test go?
A standard 10 panel urine drug test can detect most drugs for 1-4 days after last use, except marijuana which is usually detectable for 5-30+ days depending on usage frequency. A 10 panel test screens for marijuana, cocaine, opiates, methamphetamine, amphetamine, phencyclidine, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, methadone, and propoxyphene. Weed has the longest detection window by far.

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