Handout For Class: Art/Seen

Art/Seen is a company created by Klara Manhal dedicated to providing tours of Vancouver’s art scene. Founded in July of 2016, this start up company has already come a long way by working with Fieldtripp and the Vancouver Mural Festival. Currently, Klara runs walking tours every Saturday that visit murals around the city. These tours gives the participants all the information to connect them with the community projects that some of the muralists have done. People are encouraged to ask as many questions as possible during tours to expand their knowledge of the art world and explore concepts that they might not have realized before. In this way, Art/Seen provides a special experience as it gives people with different levels of artistic exposure to enjoy and learn about the community aspect of Vancouver’s art scene. Additionally, Klara has developed artist studios and artist-run centre tours with the same aspirations. Currently, we are working to further develop the company’s social media and online presence to expand the amount the amount of cliental. Art/Seen is an extremely accessible and mobile company that is welcoming to people of all ages by providing a rich learning experience with a reasonable price tag. This friendly pricing encourages people to engage with the art community; many times people feel hindered by high gallery pricing but this way you get an intimate, detailed experience without breaking the bank. Klara’s goal is to truly engage Vancouver’s community with the experience of art and with that I will leave a quote from her website that I believe perfectly sums up her company’s work:

“Art is a wonderful thing. It generates beauty, inspires the soul, and challenges the status quo –but it can be a little obtuse. We’re committed to helping you ‘get it’.  Our tours are designed as access points to the ‘meaning’ of art. Explore the myriad of exciting spaces in this city, while learning to approach art on your own terms. We are your connection to enriched experiences.”

Link to PDF:




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