Archive for the 'Ordinary Miracles' Category

Transmogrification of a Neighbor

Thursday, October 6th, 2005

Last Sunday we were up early, all three of us, which is a rare, maybe even a seriously endangered, occasion. We were up to drive out to see my son’s future nursery school students perform at their school festival. As we made the way to the car, our eyes turned in unison to see our […]

In Tune

Wednesday, August 31st, 2005

A wonderful miracle occurred yesterday. On our way home from the Electronics Store (called BEST), I managed to whistle IN TUNE an entire refrain of the song “Auld Lang Syne”. I have never been able to whistle (or sing for that matter) in tune for such an extended moment. Maybe this happened because it was […]

Open window train ride

Tuesday, August 9th, 2005

On the train again

Tuesday, August 9th, 2005

Right before his birthday

Tuesday, August 9th, 2005

New fashion

Friday, July 22nd, 2005

My son is lately into wearing a necklace he made out of plastic spools and a shoestring…is this a sign of a future trendsetter? ;-)!

Cafe view

Friday, July 22nd, 2005

I wanted to share with you the view from my favorite cafe in Asahikawa. This is where I sit and read for my graduate class. I am blessed to have such a setting for my studies! I also think it helps me keep my ideas interconnected to the clouds (theory) and the ground (everyday experience)….at […]

Space chorus and spousal serendipity

Wednesday, July 6th, 2005

Chako Canyon sun dagger: from I failed to mention that Monday in the throes of last minute research for my Media 2 Production, I was looking at the juxtaposition of the word “Om,” believed to be the divine humming sound of the universe that Hindu meditation practioners claim to hear and the recent science […]

Monday Sun

Monday, May 30th, 2005

Oh, what a beautiful string of four diamond days we have had: sunshine, fluffy white clouds, and 70 degrees (and resultant sun-burned shoulders). Life really flies into the blue sky when such miraculous weather happens. We who last through long winters probably have a heightened sense of love of the green grass and the tulips […]

Happy Friday

Friday, May 27th, 2005

Happy Friday! I am so happy to see Friday here as I have many ideas for the weekend. I want to start collecting film takes for my two upcoming media productions which I will need to build for my New Media Studies class. Since we have a lot of liberty in interpreting the assignments, I […]

Recent pic

Wednesday, May 25th, 2005

And here’s a recent pic of sunshine boy

Spring update

Wednesday, May 18th, 2005

And , yes, don’t worry–if you thought I might be getting too nerdish (my word) in that last entry–I have managed to glance away from my keyboard today, and through the rain, I noticed the leaves on the tree outside my office window are starting to fill in the spaces between the branches. Proof: In […]

Spring is here

Wednesday, May 11th, 2005

Well, okay, okay it did snow yesterday I admit it, but the optimist in me must focus on the fact that the tree outside my office window is sprouting teeny weeny leaves. And okay, okay, I am still wearing a hat and wool trousers every day, but the grass has turned into a courageous green […]

Green tea as heat

Tuesday, April 26th, 2005

When I came into my office this morning the heat wasn’t on, so first thing I did was boil some water for green tea. Now I am typing these words with icy hands and my jacket zipped up, waiting for some idea of warmth. Kauai. Tahiti. Palau. Fiji. Tobago. Cuba. Fortaleza. Mali. Asahikawa? The lack […]

Found hat!

Tuesday, March 29th, 2005

It’s found! It’s found! Yes, it’s found! If you recall, a few months ago (uuuuhhh, I don’t know, back in the January entry titled “Lost hat”), I bemoaned the loss of a favored hat in poesy. Well, as I sat chatting to my husband on the cell phone from our car in the faculty parking […]

Night trumpet

Monday, February 14th, 2005

Yesterday my son decided not to take his nap. He lay in bed with his toy car and stayed silent, except for some muttering, for over an hour, without ever falling asleep. I figured the downtime might suffice for a nap…but in the evening he had reached that punch-drunk state of exhaustion, running wildly from […]

The Sun

Tuesday, December 28th, 2004

The sun has just come out of the clouds after a long, long hiatus. While snow has a brightness that is in some ways as blinding and as brilliant as the sun’s, ultimately living things have a bigger need for the sun and its power. The appearance of the sunlight brings the end to a […]

Sunset and honeybees

Friday, December 10th, 2004

The dusty blues and greys of the sky, of the clouds, and of the buildings slowly dissolve into each other and in a few minutes all we see will become indistinguishable, except that trees turn blacker sooner than the rest of the world, at least now, right after sundown. (P.S. I returned from the bottom […]

Snow outside my office window

Monday, November 29th, 2004

Shoveling snow

Monday, November 29th, 2004

I love shoveling snow, especially fresh fallen powder, and after the weekend I am sure it will be my main source of exercise this winter. At least three feet of snow has fallen within two days, and every five hours yesterday I shoveled the car out and the building’s front walkway. I even crazily decided […]

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