China’s Impact on the Global Economy

It’s amazing when one looks at China’s recent growth, becoming the world’s second largest economy by nominal GDP. This industrialized country is the world’s fastest growing major economy with astounding growth rates of 10% on average each year.

However, according to the recent Globe and Mail article, the recent concerns about a slowdown in Asia, particularly China, has raised eyebrows, especially in North America. Although a growth of 7.7 percent is expected in 2012, it fell below the forecast growth rate by 0.5 percent. Unsurprisingly, it has been the lowest growth rate in recent year and the decline is expected to accelerate. 

BMO chief economist Sherry Cooper said, “commodity demand might weaken further as growth prospects in China, India and Brazil have dimmed and Europe is still mired in austerity induced recession and debt overload.”

The implications of China’s slowing growth rate to North America are severe. China’s accelerating decline in growth rate is influencing the fall of many major economies.

That being said, how powerful actually is China’s influence over other countries? Despite its massive economy, and fast growth rate, China is seen as a poor country with a big population. GDP per capita does not mean everything.  But it is a broad indicator of both a country’s standard of living and level of economic development.

Author: Loh Wil Fred

First year student studying in the Sauder School of Business

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