How to make fun commercial more genuine? User Generated Commercial?

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At least for me, Coca Cola’s commercials have always the most creative and influential. Their advertisements were almost unavoidable in marketing classes. So, my attention was drawn to this Coca Cola Creates a Park campaign in the E-Marketing class today, and i have to admit, it brightened my day again. It has some of most typical Coca Cola elements: joyful music, colourful objects, smiling faces, heartwarming, and some free coke. It fell right under my expectation of being a Coca Cola advertisement.

It was similar to the Molson Beer fridge campaign where Molson also used the concept of fun commercial. However, the whole thing feels just a little too perfect.








Not every Canadian travel aboard has a Canadian flag on them. The idea is that, despite of heartwarming surface Coca Cola trying to deliver, the combination of individuals, actions, and the settings just make me feel its too good to be real. How real and genuine are these commercials? Are the individuals actors brought by ad agency? It would make me less skeptical and cynical if Coca Cola incorporates more user-generated content. For instance, locate the vending machine and the ‘park’ in front of office building in busy downtown Vancouver. People can participate in the advertisement making process.  It will definitely create tons of buzz in media and bring happiness closer to every individual. Although it sounds like a better and more genuine marketing plan, it would be way costly and effortful. There is going to be so many unpredictable circumstances and breakouts that are out of control.

The question left for advertiser is how to find the pivot point between a genuine and effective commercial.


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