Zero-hour Contract

This is a response blog to Lanny Pong’s blog.

Sports Direction is one of the biggest sports retailer in UK. However, Sports Direction was discovered that they had the zero-hour contract with their employees which means they infringed the rights of their employees serverly.There were even some news said that the “unsatisfied” employees were excluded by the managers. What’s more, after the contract was exposed to the publilc, staff in Sports Direction still entitled to the bonus – which pays out in the form of shares next month. This action gave the employees a kind of fear which force them to get rid of the “dissatisfactory”.

There is no doubt that this is a scheme executed by all of the managers and it voilates the business ethic. Sports Direction seeked more pofits by exploiting the labour force. It is such a surprising news that a big famous company do this kind of things to ruin it’s long-stading business reputation. As the competitions between companies become more and more furious, some companies, in order to get more profit, get across of the business ethic boundry to achieve more margin. But it’s a company’s duty to manage or execute the operations to create value for customrs, suppliers, employees and shareholders abide by citizen laws. As a vital part of a company, employee is firmly related to the quality of the product and the efficiency of manufacturing. Sports Direction should reset the regulation and the contracts,  and promise the basic rights of the emplyees.

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