Having created a LinkedIn profile in my first year of university, this part of the assignment wasn’t new to me. However, I had not been an avid user of the platform as I got busy with school and work. This assignment allowed me to revive my profile. I got the chance to connect with new co-workers, fellow UBC students, and professors. I also realized how I hadn’t received any guidance in regards to how to optimally use the LinkedIn profile. Researching on how to have an excellent LinkedIn profile, then improving my personal profile, and receiving a peer review has really helped me see areas of improvement and things I had missed out.

The process of brainstorming and preparing my formal report proposal and outline required a lot of communication with my roommates, friends in the AMS, and other fellow students studying at UBC. I felt satisfied knowing my research topic wasn’t something that could only stay within this course of English 301 but actually be used to help AMS administration finds effective ways to encourage students to vote in student elections. Having a schedule prepared for my investigations and for preparing a Formal Report, I feel confident about how everything for the formal report is going to come together.

While peer-reviewing Joanna’s research proposal I realized how every individual has their own unique interpretations, methods of execution, and writing styles. Even if we follow rules and guidelines, it was fascinating to see how varied our thought processes are and so I made sure to carefully review the proposal because it was not just about mere words or grammar errors, it was about their ideas and thought processes. I am excited to see what Joanna and other students come up with for their final report.

Overall, I am extremely thankful to Joanna and Jiajie for their peer reviews this week, as with the amount of work I had on my plate, I could not have perfected my work if it was not for their detailed and constructive reviews. Peer reviewing has helped me feel more confident about my work and open my mind to possibilities that I could not have thought about before. The process has made me realize the tiny mistakes we overlook and write keeping in mind how I would have liked a write-up to be presented if I was in the editor’s shoe.

Revised Report Proposal:

Revised Report Proposal, Zainab Rauf Tramboo

Peer Review Received by Joanna:


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