In the Media

Photo credit: Vancouver Hong Kong Forum Society

I speak about Cantonese- or Hong Kong-related issues on the radio or TV from time to time. Thanks to the invitation of program hosts, I am able to mobilize knowledge for greater impact.

All opinions are mine, not my employer’s.

Articles in English

Interviews in Chinese

Videos in English

Language – The Lifeblood of Culture (2021)

Promotional video of UBC Cantonese Language Program (2021)

When the little prince speaks Cantonese (2018)

The past, present, and future of Cantonese language and culture (2015)

Musicking the Cantonese Language: From Cantonese Opera to Cantopop (2015)

The past and future of Cantonese media (2015)

First Place and People’s Choice, UBC Three-Minute Thesis Competition (2015)


Videos in Cantonese

Poetry recital with CNTO 303 students
Performance for UBC Lantern Festival Poetry Night (a virtual event)

Interview with Fairchild Radio

Interview with LS Times TV

Voice talent

I was the Cantonese voice for Storybooks Canada. Click into any story to listen.

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