Photo credit: Vancouver Hong Kong Forum Society
I speak about Cantonese- or Hong Kong-related issues on the radio or TV from time to time. Thanks to the invitation of program hosts, I am able to mobilize knowledge for greater impact.
All opinions are mine, not my employer’s.
Interviews in English
- Historic Cantonese school reopens amid rising interest in the language, CBC News
- Vancouver Cantonese language school once again offering classes, CBC Radio
- BC’s Cantonese speakers fight to preserve language amid uncertainty in Hong Kong, Vancouver City News
- The struggle to save Cantonese, Vancouver Sun
- BC’s Cantonese speakers advocate for language amid suppression in Hong Kong, CTV News Vancouver
- Community-engaged learning and teaching: Instructors uniting and learning how to building communities through teaching, UBC Asian Studies Newsletter
- Chinese Canadian families recalibrate festival expectations, BIV
- How language teaching, learning, and pop culture, can combat racism, UBC Language Sciences
- Rediscovering the love of Cantonese language, UBC Asian Studies Newsletter
- From shame to pride: Why I lost my Cantonese and want to get it back, Toronto Star
- Hong Kong’s own Little Prince had to overcome the challenges of being written in a language with no standardised form, South China Morning Post
- Cantonese still thriving in Metro Vancouver despite wave of Mandarin-speaking immigrants, Vancouver Sun
- With more speakers of Mandarin than Cantonese in Canada now, what future for the southern Chinese dialect there? South China Morning Post
- UBC linguistics researcher details the complex, worrying trend of Cantonese “cultural genocide”, The Runner
- New spin on Chinese school focuses on Chinatown’s Cantonese conversations, Metro News
- UBC graduate student places 2nd in global U21 3MT event, UBC Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
- New art exhibit transgression/cantosphere explores a language under threat, Ubyssey
- New exhibit provides thought-provoking take on the Cantonese language, The Source
- Cantonese indifference: The language of Chinatown, Vandocument
- SlTES, RITES, AND GRATITUDE: Carving out a new, inclusive Chinatown through art and language, Megaphone
Vancouver Chinese school turns Chinatown into classroom, CBC Radio
Interviews in Chinese
- 廣東話熱潮再起 百年老校復辦 活學活用帶華洋學生到華埠買「臘廠」
- 亞裔傳統文化月專題:中文的傳承
- 卑詩大學—北美粵語,如煙火般綻放
- 加拿大的粵語課:海外最大粵語學分課程,能否改變母語傳承之難?
- 卑詩大學粵語班大受學生歡迎
- 第二屆香港人市集吸引五千人參與
- 粵語歌盛世 只待成追憶?
- 傳承廣東話靠家長課程配合
- 卑大首辦粵語歌唱賽 推廣廣東話文化 決賽免費入場
- 歲粵如歌 UBC 周決選粵語好聲音
- 華埠義工組織辦周末粵語班
- UBC邀專家辦工作坊 探討加國粵語傳承挑戰
- 唐人世界工作坊探討粵語傳承
- 粵講粵好 (加拿大中文電台) [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5]
Videos in English
Language – The Lifeblood of Culture (2021)
Promotional video of UBC Cantonese Language Program (2021)
When the little prince speaks Cantonese (2018)
The past, present, and future of Cantonese language and culture (2015)
Musicking the Cantonese Language: From Cantonese Opera to Cantopop (2015)
The past and future of Cantonese media (2015)
First Place and People’s Choice, UBC Three-Minute Thesis Competition (2015)
Videos in Cantonese
Poetry recital with CNTO 303 students
Performance for UBC Lantern Festival Poetry Night (a virtual event)
Interview with Fairchild Radio
Interview with LS Times TV
Voice talent
I was the Cantonese voice for Storybooks Canada. Click into any story to listen.