This post is a bit due, as the water dispenser (the water machine) arrives in our CHBE graduate student lunch room since April 16, 2013 as our CHBE GSC President has announced it.
"GSC is pleased to announce the new water dispenser was purchased. It is in the graduate students lounge room, 6th floor now. This is surely good news for Graduate students to access drinking hot/cold water. Make your own tea or coffee and enjoy it!"
Couple important notes for the water dispenser.
1. The 4 water bottles are refilled every week.
2. If the water bottle is empty, it is everyone’s duty to change it to a filled one.
Here is the instructions on how to change the empty water bottle.
1. Drain all the remaining water on the machine into your own water container or any containers.
2. Carefully remove the empty water bottle. Please be careful not to spill any water.
3. Pick up a filled water bottle. Note: the filled water bottle is heavy and the top is open.
4. Shiftly, Put the water bottle top first into the top of the water machine. Note: Water will spill at this stage. Try your best to minimize the amount of water spilled.
5. Make sure the water bottle is secured.
6. Last and the least, enjoy the hot water!
Jun Sian Lee
CHBE GSC Web Coordinator