2 responses to “A1 – Location-Based Learning”

  1. Noor

    Hi Lynsey,
    I really enjoyed listening to your podcast.
    Place-based learning provides students with the opportunity to witness the tangible outcomes of their efforts in their local community. Through this process, they develop effective communication and inquiry skills, acquire the ability to adapt to any surroundings, and attain a more comprehensive comprehension of themselves, as well as their position within the global context.

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  2. Douglas Millie

    Lynsey, I appreciate the format of your analysis.

    Around 2004-5 I was travelling in England and was able to enjoy self guided audio tours in some locations, like the Roman baths in Bath. At the time they required dedicated technology and required an extra fee. Now, even my local town has a QR based Audio walking tour of the lakeshore district. Potentially a great classroom project for middle years and up!

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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