When I did my presentation on Visual Literacy I mentioned a great resource we could use in the classroom called Book Cover Creator, which is an interactive tool on the educational website Read, Write, Think.
I didn’t end up using this tool for my Reading a Novel Cover lesson, but was still curious about it. So my son and I created a book cover tonight. It was actually ideal that I was discovering how to use it with him, because I had to teach it as I myself was learning. And of course, he noticed elements that I missed. My son has only been on a computer a few times and figured it out right away, so it’s obviously a very intuitive tool. So if you want to try it and you’re pressed for time or have a class with varrying levels of computer literacy I would say you’re safe to use this tool. It was really fun!
This is what we created!
And this is what we were inspired by….
And acutally, my son wanted to name our picture the same as the original, so I had to introduce the concept of copyright!
Works Cited:
Wells, Rosemary. Morris’s Disappearing Bag. USA: Viking Juvenile Press, 1999. Print.
Read, Right, Think. “Book Cover Creator.” ReadWriteThink.Org Web. Accessed Nov 26, 2012.
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