Entries Tagged as 'Media Project II'
Because of the complexity of our literacy project, which involved our class to run around all of Scarfe looking for clues, it has taken much thought and discussion regarding what would be the most appropriate and effective way to post up our project.
And likewise, it would also seem very ironic if we were to just post everything here. Therefore, we have attached all our materials into QR Codes (with links at the very bottom because I understand that scanning QR Codes while on a blog may be very inconvenient).
So here we go!
Tags: Media Project II
This is the Media Project 2 Rationale and Rubric for Peter, Robb, Rahela, Justin, and Brian.
Media Project 2 Rationale and Rubric
Geoanimate Project: Media Project 2 by Geezers on GoAnimate
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“You will write if you will write without thinking of the result in terms of a result, but think of the writing in terms of discovery, which is to say that creation must take place between the pen and the paper, not before in a thought or afterwards in a recasting…It will come if it is there and if you will let it come.” Gertrude Stein
My second multimedia project for this course focuses on the process of poetic composition. I used Quicktime to screen capture my creative process as I wrote. When I showed this performance to my class they suggested that the poem might do well to be scored. I instantly thought of Mozetich’s “Postcards From the Sky” (look it up). So, as for my piece–watch it and consider having your ELA classroom experiment with their own performance poems. Don’t worry about a “rubric”. This is a process, remember? It’s all about feedback. Have a conversation about it. Have 3.
My performance can be seen here.
Incidentally, here is the process of an 8 year old in action writing about Minecraft and then drawing a picture inspired by her poem:
Tags: gaming · Media Project II · multiliteracies · Visual Literacy
Tags: Media Project II
This project entailed collecting favourite literary quotations via various social media venues and creating an installation of the quotations in a public space. Some images documenting the project are below; the attached PDF explains the process.
A link to the write-up for our second media project:
Media Project II
Tags: Media Project II
Our second media project was almost a companion piece to the first in that it ultimately became an exploration of the UBC campus space. Drawing a blank on what we might do, the idea of using QR (quick response) codes in some capacity came about following a brief discussion with Teresa. We just couldn’t decide how to use them. Eventually, we determined that our plan be to set out around the campus individually for inspiration—seeing what spoke to us, what thoughts or memories were evoked, and how these might be somehow represented. We would plan to tag these places with QR codes which would simply link to a webpage of our choosing. As this was personal, there were no set rules to follow concerning the link. Also, we decided that over-collaborating would produce less interesting results so we kept some distance with our ideas. Over the next couple of days, locations had been marked, and group members had made their connections by way of a link. For the class activity, we put together a map of the campus, flagging these particular spots. Class members would set out in small groups—an “advencha”, as one member put it—to find the QR codes, using their smart-phones to unlock the codes and connect with our chosen pages. Ultimately, we were not sure whether or not these would mean anything to anyone but ourselves.
Our idea was to make a connection with the space. We have each spent months and years interacting with the campus. It is a place of experience for all of us. It holds memories, conscious and unconscious. It is a place of knowledge and great beauty. It is a marker of time—holds histories long before our time and will continue to evolve long after we leave. While many of us often come and go without much more than our next class or assignment in mind, the campus is a wonderful place to reflect. It turned out that our reflections took us all over the place. We have taken a similar path in some ways, but our experiences and memories are wildly different. The valuable piece of this exercise was seeing how different we are.
The experiential aspect of this exercise was interesting. Engaging in narrative and by making personal connections is a valuable part of the English student’s experience. Likewise, it is fascinating to see how the process of connecting with physical space allows for personal connections and unlocks inner-narratives. While our experiment was rather basic, the underlying idea is complex and potentially rich for students. Given the opportunity, it is one way to synthesize and express ideas without writing. Such an activity might also include writing if students were developing their own webpages. There are certainly ways this might be creatively incorporated into a classroom if the technology was available, ways we have not yet considered. Apart from the dependance on technology, it might be further challenging in a small space. The aspect that seems immediately appealing, however, is getting out of the classroom and interacting with the environment.
Tags: Media Project II
For my second media project, I decided to create a fake twitter page for Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poem “The Lady of Shalott”.
Here is the project:
I thought of this idea because I think we can relate to the Lady of Shalott’s isolation. Whereas she is trapped in a tower and can only view the outside world from the reflections in her mirror, we sit at our laptops with our eyes glued to our screens from which we glean bits of news. I also saw us posting tweets and facebook status updates as us “weaving” our own personal narratives. Originally, I had planned on creating an art installation, but the logistics were too complicated, so I decided to focus solely on the modernized aspect. I googled “Twitter in the classroom” and found a teacher’s blog where the teacher had posted a twitter page for William Shakespeare (http://ichooseawesome.wordpress.com/2013/04/17/choose-a-fake-twitter-template/). I downloaded his template and changed all the pictures and text to create a page for the Lady of Shalott. I chose to create a fake twitter page instead of creating a new twitter account because not all students have twitter and they may not be comfortable with posting their assignments publicly on the “twitterverse”.
I think this could be an engaging way for students to try to relate to a character and see things from his or her perspective. I would evaluate students on their ability to capture the tone and theme of the literary work in the tweets and hashtags. Please do feel free to use this fake twitter template if you so wish.
Here is the template itself in editable form:
Tags: Media Project II
Participating in T
Participating in T. S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land”: A Synesthetic Experience
In collaboration with my 2 and 4 year old sons, we experimented with using text, images and paint to participate with T. S. Eliot while he recites passages from section V of his poem “The Wasteland”, “What the Thunder Said”.
I first used Audacity (free audio editing software) to establish the timing associated with quotes I wanted to display using text. I then selected photos that might support some of the imagery evoked by the poem.
My sons and I then listened to the poem in segments, taking turns participating with the recording using paint, text and photo image. I took a photo of each visual element as it was added to our master collage/graffiti work. Once we had made our way through the poem segment, I downloaded the photos into iPhoto then imported them to iMovie, which allowed me to create a slowmation film very easily. Finally, I overlaid the mp3 of T. S. Eliot reciting the poem. All in all, a fun project!
I hope that you enjoy watching our film.
Tags: Media Project II
LLED 368 Media Project 2
-Rachel, Kelly, Jenny K.
Tags: Media Project II
Hamlet Game
Hamlet rubric
Although I didn’t get a chance to teach Shakespeare during my practicum, I can appreciate how difficult it must be to make it interesting for students who several hundreds of years removed from the original context in which the plays were written an performed. I know that I personally didn’t show a real interest in Shakespeare until I studied it during my undergrad at the University of Victoria (thanks to a very good professor).
When approaching Shakespeare’s tragedies, I always start with one question: Is this a “tragedy of bad luck” or a “tragedy of bad choices”? While I don’t want to necessarily limit Shakespeare’s writing to those two schema, I find that they are a good place to start to get the conversation rolling. As soon as you can start pin-pointing what lead to the fall of the protagonist in these plays, they become much easier to read (especially once you start recognizing patterns).
That being said, I read Hamlet as a “tragedy of bad choices.” Not only does he make bad choices, but the choices occur simultaneously (he is damned if he does and he is damned if he doesn’t); that means that it is also a tragedy of “bad luck” because he is only left with two really bad choices that will get him into trouble, no matter what choice he makes. My approach to this project, therefore, is the possible beginnings of a project that students could do to explore what would have to happen in the play in order to give Hamlet a happy ending (if a happy ending is possible).
Since this is very much a game of “what if,” I felt that a roleplaying game or a “choose-your-own-adventure narrative” would be the best medium for this assignment, since these are both genres with an emphasis on choice and what happens when those choices are made. I tried out some free software for making simple roleplaying games, but these proved to be way too challenging for me and I could only imagine how difficult it would be for my students to have to figure out how these platforms worked. I wasn’t sure how much band-for-their-buck they would get from that approach so I decided to do something simpler. I found that using hypertext in powerpoint proved to be quite useful. It may not produce the fanciest game, but it is a good project to introduce the students to the process of using hyptertext and making powerpoints (which are media literacy skills that they can use) as well as give them an interesting and meaningful way to engage with the text.
Since I was only using the most basic bread and butter of the plot of Hamlet to inform my prototype, storyboarding wasn’t a huge issue. My focus was on where the pivotal choices were made, why they were made, how they might be made differently (and what would have to take place in order for that to take place), and what would happen afterward. For that purpose, I broke my “storylines” into the following scenarios (SPOILER ALERT!!)
Bad Choice #1: Hamlet stabbed Claudius.
Throughout the play, Hamlet is provided with clues and evidence that indicate that killing Claudius (in spite of what he did) was not the best course of action. He was being ordered around a ghost who was described as appearing to be sinister in nature and action (also, as a side note, good kings don’t usually get assassinated, sent to Hell, and come back as ghosts). But the pivotal moment in the play is when he sees Claudius praying to God for forgiveness for what he has done; when presented with the chance to be merciful, he chooses vengeance instead. Because he has made this choice, his death is inevitable for two reasons: he is motivated by revenge (which is a privilege that belongs to God) and he is killing a king (even though he isn’t exactly a righteous one). Assuming Shakespeare didn’t want to be put out of business for writing plays where people got off scott-free for killing kings, Hamlet had to die.
There are two ways I was thinking of playing around with this question. The first is what would happen if Hamlet didn’t kill Claudius. These scenarios either had to involve Hamlet avoiding the conversation with the ghost altogether, having a change of heart in the chapel scene, or deciding right away that ghosts are scary and that it is best not to listen to them (making Hamlet a coward, but a living coward). For the purposes of this project, I only focused on the choices that Hamlet made at the beginning of the play; in this case, he either makes nice with Claudius and Gertrude right away or he runs away from the ghost (because ghosts are scary, evil, and don’t offer good advice). At the ends of these storylines, Hamlet and Ophelia live happily ever after. If we learned about the assassination, King Claudius dies of an un-suspicious heart attack.
Bad Choice #2: Hamlet doesn’t kill Claudius fast enough.
The problem with the “Hamlet kill Claudius” scenario is that we know that Claudius murdered King Hamlet. As I mentioned before, you are not allowed to have murdered kings go unanswered for so it has to be resolved somehow; Hamlet has to be the one to do it because he is the “man of the family” and therefor needs to be the one to avenge his father’s death and kill his father’s murderer. In this situation, Hamlet makes the mistake of waiting too long to kill Claudius. Arguably, he could have killed him in the chapel and the stage would have been a whole lot less bloody at the end of the play.
For the options that I provided for Hamlet to be sneaky and careful about how he went about to kill Claudius, the story pretty much went in the same direction as the play usually goes, which is that Hamlet goes crazy and kills and/or terrorizes the household before the final scene, where we find Fortinbras surrounded by dead bodies on the stage.
Again, since I was focusing on choices Hamlet could have made at the beginning of the play, I just decided to have Hamlet push Claudius down a flight of stairs. Again, the problem here is that Hamlet has just killed a king (which is bad) so Hamlet had to get caught and executed for his crimes (as noble as they were).
As with my first media project, I would probably leave assessment pretty open and flexible when it comes to the scenes and alternate endings that the students come up with. My main criteria for this is that the artistic choices are clearly informed by the text and the social, moral, and religious conventions of Shakespeare’s day were adhered to (even if the characters are somewhat modern-looking, as was the case with mine). Since this is also a “powerpoint project,” I would also be assessing the quality of their powerpoint (if all the hyperlinks work, if the font is readable, etc.).
Also like my last project, a good chunk of the mark would come from an artist’s statement that would accompany this project. This is where I can really tell where the students’ thoughts are and how well their ideas are grounded in the text and period of the work which is what I’m assessing in the first half of the assignment (which also makes it useful for a cheat sheet).
I think that the main challenge for this project is that it runs the risk of becoming huge and too big to be completed because there are so many directions where it could go and it is easy to want to do everything. To avoid this problem, I would maybe limit the students to exploring one of the problems that I presented earlier and one or two alternate endings. The students will also need very specific instructions on how much of they play they should quote directly from the text and how much they should summarize. I think this could be addressed by giving them a “slide count” for their powerpoints to give them some boundaries.
Tags: gaming · Media Project II