Multiliteracies in ELA Classrooms

Second Media Project

July 18th, 2014 · 1 Comment

Participating in T

Participating in T. S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land”: A Synesthetic Experience

In collaboration with my 2 and 4 year old sons, we experimented with using text, images and paint to participate with T. S. Eliot while he recites passages from section V of his poem “The Wasteland”, “What the Thunder Said”.

I first used Audacity (free audio editing software) to establish the timing associated with quotes I wanted to display using text. I then selected photos that might support some of the imagery evoked by the poem.

My sons and I then listened to the poem in segments, taking turns participating with the recording using paint, text and photo image. I took a photo of each visual element as it was added to our master collage/graffiti work. Once we had made our way through the poem segment, I downloaded the photos into iPhoto then imported them to iMovie, which allowed me to create a slowmation film very easily.  Finally, I overlaid the mp3 of T. S. Eliot reciting the poem. All in all, a fun project!

I hope that you enjoy watching our film.

Tags: Media Project II

1 response so far ↓

  • TMD // Jul 24th 2014 at 9:36 am

    Dear Bjorn,

    Thanks for uploading this outstanding project, which is a very successful and compelling visualization of section V of Eliot’s poem. As I noted in class, I particularly liked the way in which the canvas builds up, elements appearing and being written over, recalling the sense of layering of which we spoke in relation to e-literature — a palimpsest in the making.

    As ever, your written statement is rich in thought and impeccably composed. I agree with your statement about negotiated assessment combined with self and peer assessment (p. 2). This comment in particular is astute: “Indeed, assessment as learning conveys the message that assessment is a departure point for student learning rather than a terminus.”

    Thanks again for your family’s creative and analytical efforts in the execution of this project.

    Best regards,


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