Final details…

Now that you are almost done, here are some key things to make sure you have done properly to optimize your presentation and make it a smashing hit!!!

Make sure that…

  1. your title is your essential question with a question mark at the end of it, of course 🙂
  2. you add a conclusion stating what you take away overall!
    1. 2 sentences max. Short and sweet!
  3. you do a bibliography entitled bibliography, not sources!
    1. To learn to do a bibliography, follow this link.
    2. There is a specific way of doing a bibliography. Follow the guidelines I gave you!
  4. you proofread everything for spelling & grammar
    • Start all sentences with a capital letter.
    • If it is a single word, capitalize the first letter.
    • If you’re not sure, check it out!
  5. you add pictures!!!
    1. Trust me, it will make your overall presentation MUCH MORE interesting.
  6. you do not finish with a slide that says thank you! Instead, your final slide should say Questions?