Presentation Plan

Genius Hour Presentation Plan – Digital Copy

  1. Download this file
  2. Add it to your Google Drive
  3. Rename it « Your first name – Genius Hour Presentation Plan »
  4. Share with Mme. Isabelle

  • The goal of the presentation is for you to showcase the process and the learning that took place while wanting to answer your essential/driving question.
  • This should represent your best work as it will be presented to your classmates, your school peers and your parents. Your passion and pride for this project should shine through. Put your best self forward!
  • WOW The audience!!! Everyone should want to learn more about your project!

What is the format of your final presentation? _________________________________

Part One: The Process

  1. What were the successes (minimum 2) of your project?
  2. What were the hurdles you had to overcome (minimum 2)?
  3. Was there a point where you had to stop and readjust the project on a grand scale? If so, explain why.
  4. What were the weaknesses of your project?
  5. What was the most important thing you learned throughout your project? What will you be taking away from this and remember for a long time?
  6. If you were assigned to do Genius Hour again, what topic/essential question would you choose?

Part Two: The Learning

  1. What was your essential/driving question?
  2. Why did you pick this topic?
  3. What have you learned?
    1. Answer your essential question by giving your audience 10 key points with an explanation for each.
  4. What would you change or do differently if you were given the opportunity to do so?
  5. What are you most proud of overall?

Additional Notes

  • Add images & colours.
  • Make sure it is easy to read the writing.
  • Give yourself time to make this project great and not rushed. You are encouraged to work on this a little bit every day.
  • Print in colour, if possible, or colour your images.
  • Use spellcheck, Linguee, the dictionary and Bescherelle to make sure you present a grammatically correct project with minimal spelling mistakes. It makes a big difference!
  • Ask your parents to help you proofread your written work before making it public!
  • Ask Mme. Isabelle questions along the way so she can help each and everyone of you!
  • Be prepared to answer all 11 questions above.