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May 12 / Jon

Earthquake in Chile

Translated by Caroline Letourneau.

I chose two very different articles on the same topic; the Chilean earthquake of February 27, 2010. My principal reasons are because they discuss a recent event, that affected the lives of millions people, the stability of Chile, have foster the solidarity action in the Southern Cone and generated global compassion. This event and its consequences will mark forever Chileans and the history of their country. Moreover, as living in Vancouver, British Columbia where a convergence of two tectonic plates causes the earthquakes felt in the area, we are us too exposed to the eventuality of a great earthquake. Perhaps we can learn some lessons from the Chilean experience.

Source texts: “Terremoto en Chile: tierra, agua, aire y fuego” and “Repercusiones del terremoto en Chile”.

Chile’s Earthquake: Land, Water, Air, and Fire
Cristóbal Orrego, March 1st 2010

I am not going to sketch out a cold analysis, when I have my heart flooded with sorrow.

Chile is a country of wild land, trembling, and rebellious, which bears in its bowels the power of fire. Since Pedro de Valdivia founded the capital city of Santiago in 1941, we have always lived between war trumpets and cries of protests, between fire and floods, and especially between earthquakes . We were not surprised by this disaster of February 27, 2010 for a disaster never surprises a Chilean . Ask any Chilean, anywhere in the world, no one would have denied that we were waiting for it. Between the 1960 earthquake and the 1985 one, half a century; between the 1985earthquake and the 2010 one, half a century. Everyone was waiting for it. There are already a thousand dead. Near me, because now everything is close, there are dead and injured; mutilated, undernourished, and dehydrated ones. The balm of international aid arrives slowly , for it arrived rapidly but we were stunned. Also, Opus Dei bishop, Don Javier Echevarria, before noon, was accompanying his faithful with a very heartfelt letter of his own hand, encouraging everyone to pray, to sustain hope, and to help everywhere.

The authorities lost hours-more than one day-wondering whether or not to bring the military into the streets, while in some cities looting broke loose. Yes, it is understandable, they were scared partly because by those terrible memories of a couple decades old: But now, now, minute by minute modest and defenceless villagers demanded armed protection! Even last night, someone from a southern city was telling that a band of twenty years olds raided homes after curfew. It is when the earth trembles, that the insides of souls are revealed. Yesterday I saw modest people sharing their water, their food, their energy. Yesterday I saw people crying, and I saw people comforting. Most Chileans are like that: they have fire in the heart, like the fire that from below is bursting our land.

But a few do not have fire, but dirt in the soul. It took too long before the authority started to suppress the offenders with the necessary strength! It is a shame to take advantage of the misery of others, to be oblivious to pain and sadness.

The fury of the sea stroke strong, flattened houses and cars, dragged men, women and children. I am thinking of a young woman, inconsolable, unable to retain her four and two year’s old children. And she too, later, was dragged by the sea which denied taking her life. The sea denied killing anyone not wanting to live. This young mother will have to live, sorely, flooded by sorrow, with the deep scar that the infinite cruelty of the sea imprinted on her life. The sea did not despise taking the life her young babies. Now her only chance to keep on living with this pain is if she bares an unshakable faith in eternal life. Rest in peace, may your spirit be present in the family that remains down here mourning.

Friends, I apologize for failing to consider things as should have done an intellectual. Some will ask-So what? – What are worth brainy analysis before the immensity of land, water, air and fire, if life escapes us? Yes, I apologize . Because from the depths of my soul I can only say that, if there is no eternal life, if the telluric forces have the last word, if we are to live without hope, then the truth is that it does not matter to die in a great earthquake or to live slowly for things that now can seems so insignificant. Because if the last word is of this imperturbably trembling land; the fire of solidarity that arises these days from and the Chilean people is surreal And if the water that gives life, solely kills in the end, therefore these words, and theirs, and whichever, are air and dust, air and nothing.

Earthquake Consequences in Chile
Francisco Pineda Zamorano, March 1st, 2010

Mindful of the earthquake victims, their families, the thousands of injured, and the two millions homeless, I would like to focus this note on the implications that will have for Chile the terrible earthquake of last Friday. Chile is one of the most prosperous countries of the continent with an average annual GDP growth of 4.1% in the last 15 years. It is true that there are serious problems of redistribution of wealth in the country . There still remain large areas of poverty. However , it is also true that investments in infrastructure, communication, health and education have benefited all Chileans. Chile’s economy is strong and its growing trend was indicating that it could have been considered a developed country in 2020. Its success depends primarily on the diversity and competitiveness of its export oriented economy.

The consequences of the earthquake on the Chilean economic and social machine of progress send the country back (overnight) several positions behind in socio-economic growth index. This also postpones the mandatory investments planned for the country in the coming years . Some experts suggest that at least 10 years will be necessary to return to the level of economic development , of January 2010 . In other words, nature plays nasty tricks and spoils decades of planning pushing the country backward once again.

Chileans are an entrepreneurial people, capable, lucid, and creative. They will find ways to keep on going forward . I have no doubt about it. However, they could use a little help from the international community. It is urgent to renegotiate the Chilean debt to obtain its partial if not total remission. It is urgent to reconsider the geographical priority of Spanish cooperation and return to include Chile as one of the outmost important country, at least for the next 10 years. It is urgent that NGO’s resume their work in Chile especially concentrating their efforts with those who always remain outside institutional intervention.

The country is not yet completely reduced to rubble, however one can almost be certain that the number of dead and injured reported will increase. We must show our solidarity to this beloved country in order that it recovers quickly.

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This work by Spanish 401, UBC, Professor Jon Beasley-Murray is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada.