All posts by olivia daigneault deschenes

City of Women: what if those streets were named after women?

In complement to Celia’s most recent post, this article explains well how over-representation of men in city street name constitute a privilege for the dominating gender: “I can’t imagine how I might have conceived of myself and my possibili­ties if, in my formative years, I had moved through a city where most things were named after women and many or most of the monuments were of powerful, successful, honored women.”

A short read, very eye opening.

What is producing invisibility?

This Paper entitled “Their Spirits Live within Us
Aboriginal Women in Downtown Eastside Vancouver
Emerging into Visibility” by Dara Culhane demonstrates the production of invisibility of Aboriginal women in the Downtown Eastside and how those women resist this invisibility. Interesting article picked from the reading list of my GRSJ elective course.