Twitter Transactions

by Ali Birston ~ March 25th, 2011. Filed under: Comm 296.

Word of mouth is an incredibly valuable tool for any company, whether they are just starting up, launching a new product, or simply trying to increase sales. But really how valuable is it? Would you as a company be willing to accept a simple tweet in return for your product?

“Pay with a tweet”, the worlds’ first social payment system, is doing just that. Just like the video explains, all it takes is a tweet for a consumer to receive the product or service being offered. While on the surface this seems like a simple concept, the impact is enormous. Every time someone pays with a tweet, they are in fact telling all of their social network about the product. Multiply that effect by the hundreds of people tweeting around the world, and the buzz has the potential to be incredible!

While revenue is obviously of great value to a company, the value of promotion and word of mouth through social media is certainly important as well. “Pay with a tweet” seems as if it would be most beneficial for more unknown products, brands, or services as many of them are initially looking to spread the word; however, this concept can be used by anyone from DJ’s and music artists, to authors, or even for business professionals and entertainment companies. Whether you’re willing to sell your new single, your latest commercial, or a preview of your new book, the possibilities are endless really.

Although relatively new, this social payment system has already had great success (more than 400,000 have paid for something with a tweet) and seems like an ingenious way to gain momentum for many different types of marketing campaigns. Could this be the future of online payment? If so, I’m definitely not complaining!

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