Unit 3: Reflections

The topic I chose to write about for this research project is job burnout in technical service areas of healthcare. This topic is one that I am passionate about as I worked in a high-stress environment for many years. I am now in a much healthier environment, and I found it very interesting looking at this research from my two different experiences.

I intended to send my survey out via Interior Health email so I could reach a larger number of people. This involved communicating with the Research and Privacy Departments, which ended up taking much more time than anticipated. Going through this process was a valuable experience in understanding the work that goes into research/experiments. Interior Health goes to great lengths to protect its employees and to ensure ethics standards are being met. It was a joyous occasion when I got permission to send my survey out!

I had many people very interested in my survey and I found they were glad to be able to express themselves around this matter. I had people thanking me for asking these questions and being concerned with their workload. These reactions make me feel sad as people are so desperate for change and I do beleive that change is possible, but it will take a lot of work and cooperation to change.

I struggled at first with organization, but found the textbook to be a valuable resource. As I was forming my draft, I found that I kept referring back to the research outline which we had been asked to create. At first, I didn’t realize how helpful this document would be, but I was very thankful to have it to guide my thoughts and information as I was writing my draft.

I find the peer reviews to be rather difficult, but giving constructive criticism is a great skill to develop. I found it helpful to divide the paper up into sections and critique each one seperately. Reading back through my peer review for Russel, I found that I used “you” a lot throughout, which I think is best avoided and I will try to be conscious of in my next peer review. I hope I was able to provide Russel with some helpful advice.

301_analysis of burnout_Alicia DeGelder

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