Best Work

Please find below a collection of my best work over the semester. Enjoy!

Definition Assignment 301_Definitions_best work_alicia degelder

This assignment required that we explain a term, familiar in our chosen fields, using parenthetical, sentence and explanded definitions. I am including this work in my portfolio since it was the first project and really demonstrated the usefulness of peer-editing.

Formal Report Proposal 301_ResearchProposal_bestwork_AliciaDeGelder

Taking a problem that we have experieinced in our daily lives, we formed a proposal offering to research the problem and provide data and recommendations. This was a large undertaking and I feel the proposal clearly outlines the issue and portrays my passion for my chosen topic.

Progress Report 301_progress report_best work_Alicia Degelder

This report outlines the progress made 3 weeks following the intial proposal, as seen above. I have included this document as the layout was quite specific and it gives a clear idea of the work that went into the main project and the tasks yet to be completed.

Complaint Letter 301_Letter of complaint_bestwork_Alicia DeGelder

This assignment required a written letter of complaint regarding a bad experience that we have personally had. I found this assignment difficult, as I am not generally one to complain. I have included this letter as it was a challenge for me and I feel I have provided a good example of a respectful, yet firm, letter.

Peer Review of Formal Report Peerreview_Russelresearchdraft_bestwork_AliciaDeGelder

Peer reviews have been an essential component of this class. Both giving and receiving feedback is an essential skill. I wanted to provide my peer with helpful advice, while mainting the “you-attitude” throughout. I think this review provides a good example of helpful advice while keeping pronouns to a minimum.

Peer Review of LinkedIn Peer review_KarnLinkedin_bestwork_AliciaDeGelder

We were to perform a peer review of a LinkedIn profile. Initially we had created a document outlining best practices, which proved valuable while performing this review. From this document, I was able to create a template from which to provide feedback and suggestions.

Analysis of Burnout – Final Research Report 301_analysis of burnout_Alicia DeGelder_final

This is the final report which stemmed from the proposal attached above. I have included this project as there was a lot of valuable information obtained from the survey on job-burnout. I found this report to be very interesting and I think it sheds a lot of light on the issues surrounding health care professionals.