
The proceedings of the Annual Meetings on Phonology are published through the Linguistic Society of America. All papers selected for oral or poster presentation are eligible to appear in the proceedings.

Proceedings papers are due Monday April 4, 2016 (at midnight Pacific time). Please follow the on-line submission instructions below.

Style Sheet

The upper page limit for proceedings papers is 12 single-spaced pages; there is no minimum paper length. The style sheet for proceedings papers is available as a LaTeX class file (phonologyproceedings.cls) or in a Microsoft Word document, which describe and illustrate the file. Both can be downloaded below. Note that due to font differences between Times vs. Times New Roman, and differences in how spacing is calculated in LaTeX vs. Word, the pagination differs somewhat between the two versions.

AMP 2015 Proceedings style sheet for LaTeX (.zip archive)
AMP 2015 Proceedings style sheet for Microsoft Word (.zip archive)

If you do not use either LaTex or Microsoft Word, please download the files for the LaTeX version and consult the PDF file (stylesheet.pdf) in order to prepare your document according to the specifications using your preferred word processor.

Submission Procedure

In order to submit your paper, you will first need to register as an author on the following page, if you have not submitted to the AMP proceedings before:

Once you are registered, sign in, and submit your paper at this link:

Please make note of the following points:

  1. You will be required to enter an abstract, in the range of 100–200 words.
  2. Papers that were presented orally belong in the Proceedings, posters belong in the Supplemental Proceedings.
  3. Do not provide the separate list of references in step 3 (they do need to be in your paper of course).

Please let us know at if you have any trouble with the submission process.