Unit Two Reflection Blog

Unit 2 Reflections Blog

I really enjoyed the exercises in unit 2 as I found them to be very helpful for my current and future professional career. Although I already had a LinkedIn profile before this class, the exercise of findings profile tips and tricks and having a classmate peer review my profile was very valuable. I enjoy using LinkedIn as a social media network for my career, and I am glad that I had the chance to improve on it in this class.

As for the formal report, I am very pleased with the progress of my report thus far. I chose a topic that I am very passionate about – healthcare and long-term care facilities supporting seniors with dementia. Working at the Glenmore Lodge Care Community is something I am passionate about, and I am eager to work on my formal report further, as I believe I am targeting a very important issue in the lack of staff. I believe that I have created a set of interview and survey questions that are respectful and non-accusatory, but I am a bit nervous to administer the surveys to the healthcare staff (healthcare aides, RNs, LPNs, therapeutic recreation staff) as I worry that they may not feel comfortable sharing their thoughts regarding the staffing issue (despite my surveys being anonymous). I hope that the type of questions I asked were neutral enough that they can take assurance in the fact that I am not accusing anyone of anything, I simply want to gather their opinions towards whether or not they feel there is a lack of healthcare staff at their workplace (and why).

While peer reviewing Jobina’s formal report proposal, I actually gained some insight into how to write in a more concise manner. Jobina is good at using professional and appropriate language that gets the point across without over-writing, which I struggle with. By noticing this in her work, I was able to be more diligent in my own work. I struggle with run-on sentences and occasionally repeating myself, so I worked hard to eliminate these issues in my own report. Peer reviewing is a valuable resource and I am grateful that I have such a great group to work with. Each of my classmates in my group who has peer-reviewed my assignments has worked so hard and put in so much effort into giving me great tips that are helpful and genuinely improve my work. I appreciate the act of peer review as I understand that it takes time, but it has proven to be very useful in this class. I also enjoy the act of peer reviewing as it has allowed me to become familiar with different writing styles and language choices, and has taught me how to give constructive criticism (which is a great skill to have in the workplace).

Overall, I found this unit to be interesting and provide stimulating exercises and assignments that have taught me skills I will use in my current and future professional career. It has been difficult in the sense that I have second-guessed myself a few times along the way, specifically in the formal report aspect, but I am looking forward to continuing to grow in my writing and produce a well-thought out and put together formal report concerning a cause I care deeply about.

My Revised Report Proposal: Vergouwen Revised Report Proposal

Jobina’s Peer Review of my Report Proposal: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-99a-2019wa/2019/10/10/lesson-2-1-peer-review-of-formal-report-proposal/

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