New Role Model

Nolan Watson. A name given to one that was willing to get back onto their feet after failure, one that was not afraid to start their own business, and one that was modest, hard working, and determined. I realized that he was once in my shoes, walking around Sauder wondering what to do. His inspiring story, that he told us in Comm 101, of him creating one of the most well-known businesses really made me feel I am able to do the same.After reading Emily Chang’s post about Nolan Watson, I remember he stated clearly that “it is the people who are willing to learn and grow that become the most successful”, not those who are going after the money. Building one’s experience is one of the most important ways for a person to grow. Nolan Watson will be one of those people who I can look up to, especially when he was once walking the same steps as me. He is not only the CEO of Sandstorm Gold, but also an inspiring role model.




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