Student club at the iSchool@UBC

CSS + Google Calendar + LibraryThing talk @ SLAIS

Do you want to know how to use CSS and HTML/XHTML to create tabs for your website?
Do you hear about Google Calendar and LibraryThing but don’t know what to do with them?
Or do you know them very well that you’ll be thrilled to share with your classmates and future colleagues?

The ASIS&T Student Chapter is going to have an informal session for anyone interested in the use of technology to connect people and information (aren’t we all). Everyone is welcome to join! It’s short, it’s free, and it connects you with other students who care.

Day/date: Wednesday – March 21, 2007
Time: 12:15 – 12:45 PM
Place: Lab 1, TEF III
Topic: CSS tabs (by Desy Wahyuni), Google Calendar (by Erin Hanlon), LibraryThing (by Jennifer Dixey)

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