
TA Orientation (2011-2015)

At the TA Orientation, new and returning TAs have roundtable discussions with experienced senior TAs and instructors on various topics. Read what they talked about and get some tips here!

TA Orientation 2015

TA Orientation 2014

TA Orientation 2013

TA Orientation 2012

TA Orientation 2011

Facilitation Strategies for Effective learning:

At this workshop, new and returning TAs brainstorm strategies for difficult situations in the classroom. Read what they talked about and get some tips here!

Strategies from 2019-2020

Strategies from 2015-2016

Strategies from 2014-2015

Strategies from 2013-2014

Strategies from 2012-2013

Strategies from 2011-2012


Facilitator’s role

Qualities of Effective Facilitators

Working with Disruptive Groups Handout

Facilitating Effective Group Discussions 2015

Marking: Survival Skills

Our TAs have identified strategies for effective grading and means of providing undergraduate students with constructive feedback.

BioTAP Providing Feedback 2015

Tips for marking 2015

Challenges and Rewards of Teaching: Where do we go from here?

After reflecting on some of the challenges they faced this year, the 2019-2020 cohort of BioTAP TA’s generated a list of tips and strategies for new TAs. Check it out here:

What advice would you pass on to new TAs

Effective Teaching Strategies from Observing Expert Instructors

Effective Teaching Strategies 2019-2020 cohort

Best Teaching Practices


Best practices 2016

Teaching Reflections – Tutorial, Labs & Lectures

Teaching Reflections