Calling DIBS Media & Case Studies News

Calling DIBS Ep 4: Going Meta with an Interview about Interviews

Mikayla Ford and I talk about how interviews and exploratory surveys helped us gain insight […]

Listen to Episode 4: “Going Meta with an Interview about Interviews” with Mikayla Ford, Methods Specialist with BC BIG. 
(37 minutes; posted Sept. 24, 2020)

To continue exploring the value of user research, I reached out to Mikayla Ford, who is a qualitative methods whiz. Mikayla and I reminisce about a BC BIG project we worked on together. Specifically, we talk about how interviews and exploratory surveys helped us gain insight into why snowmobilers sled in areas that are closed to protect endangered mountain caribou.

For the full list of episodes, check out the Calling DIBS podcast page on the BI wiki.

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