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Reminder: BIG Difference BC 2022: Call for Submissions (due Aug 31)

Submit your BI project to BIG Difference BC 2022 by August 31 […]

Submit your project to BIG Difference BC 2022 by August 31!

We want to hear from you! We invite submissions for lightning talks (15 minutes + Q&A) and digital “posters” (5 minutes + Q&A). Submissions should be about a recent project that uses Behavioural Insights to encourage positive behaviour change. We welcome submissions from across government, academia, and the public, non-profit, and private sectors in BC, across Canada, and beyond.

Learn more at
Submissions are due by 11:59pm on Wednesday, August 31, 2022.

Save the Date for BIG Difference BC 2022

BIG Difference BC 2022 will celebrate using behavioural science to have a positive, lasting impact across a wide range of topics and sectors in BC and beyond, featuring:

  • Keynote on behavioural science and anti-racism by Dr. Crystal Hall, University of Washington
  • Special session on behavioural insights in organizations
  • Lightning talks and digital posters sharing case studies, research results, and lessons learned

Date: Friday, November 4, 2022
Time: 9:00am to 4:00pm Pacific Time
Location:Zoom webinar
Registration: Free! Registration will open in early fall.

BIG Difference BC 2022 call for submissions

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