Author Archives: LI YUJIE

Canadian Business in an International Context

It is quite common for different social aspects like culture and communication to follow the nature of the economy, and in terms of globalization this is very much the case.  The amount of international trade has nearly quadrupled from 1993 … Continue reading

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NHL Hockey as a Business: The Haves and the Have-Not

I have always been interested in business and economics, but another one of my passions is hockey.  I like the sport but I also like the business of hockey, both in terms of the salary cap (and team building) and … Continue reading

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Pollution, Politics, and the Oil Sands

With alarming frequency, the interests of the environment are quickly subjugated to the interests of profit and the economy in modern nations. In Canada, everything is viewed through an economic prism. If the nation is hit by a sudden crisis, … Continue reading

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Protectionism in a Globalized World

As a student who is interested in both economic and sociological aspects of globalization, some of the most interesting things to watch in international relations have been the wars going on between different nations and trading blocks regarding free trade … Continue reading

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A Brief Reflection on Blockbuster’s Bankruptcy

It is common to think of business as a purely financial world that is somewhat detached from everyday life.  This is partly because the biggest, most successful companies in the average neighbourhood tend to be international corporations with locations all … Continue reading

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Thinking about business ethics.

This article talked about an ineluctable and pervasive business ethical problem which is the bribe to the officials. French engineering firm Technip S.A. was bribe into the Nigerian government officials to build a liquefied natural gas facilities on Bonny Island … Continue reading

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