Parallel loss of culture

It is important to support [cultural] neighbourhoods and business to keep them alive

Photographers and Storytellers:
Tamara Chang 陳秀明
Steffi Lau 劉晴昕

In a stroke of creative and artistic brilliance, Chang and Lau use their cameras as witnesses to the changing faces of two geographically disparate but culturally linked places – Hong Kong and Vancouver. Despite their distance and being on two different continents, the two cities are inextricably interlinked through history, culture, and migration – in both directions. Through these beautiful photographs, Chang and Lau weave a thought-provoking narrative that compels readers to consider how development, gentrification, and in some ways, capitalism, are pushing traditional and cultural neighbourhoods to the brink in both cities. With painful histories and rebellious resilience evident in both spaces, how do we go about protecting these spaces that have fostered and contributed to the growth of their respective cities?

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