Culturally sensitive public health care?

[T]hey have bad experience. They feel misunderstood, they feel unheard.

Ramit Seth रमित सेठ | ਰਮਿਤ ਸੇਠ

“Canada” is a place that consists of numerous cultural groups existing together; but this cultural mixing is also associated with numerous inequities that relate to economic and social power, amongst others. One of the most important challenges that such inequities pose is to figure out how to equitably provide health care to different cultural groups. Access to appropriate health care can be hampered by various factors, including time availability, proximity to transit, language barriers, and cultural misunderstandings. Without ensuring that everyone can have equitable access to good health care, we will always see health disparities between cultural groups emerge. How should we think about some of these issues plaguing the health care system, and what can be done to try to address these issues?

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You should work twice as hard as everyone around you

“…oh you are Persian, so you should get good grades…”

Sahar Sajjadi سحر سجادي (she/her)

Kawa Ada (Afghan heritage; Actor, Writer, Producer; he/him)

The migration experience can often be a very difficult one, and this difficulty can be compounded when one simultaneously experiences multiple axes of oppression: what happens when someone is at the intersection of being a war refugee, from West Asia, and being part of the LGBTQ+ community? Between external and internal racism, homophobia, war trauma, and acculturative stress, there is so much that someone in that position would have to deal with. From the midst of this intersection emerged an individual with endless understanding and insight. Join Sahar and her guest, Kawa, as they explore various cultural issues that West Asian diaspora face in Canada. There is perhaps no better way to set up this entry’s question with Sahar’s own: What does it mean to be a human, and what does it mean to live your truth?

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