Cultural (Re)connection

[W]hat does it mean to have a seat at the table, when the table itself is on unceded land?

Julianna Yue 余美鳳 (she/hers)

Identity, when achieved, gives us a sense of self; a sense of wholeness. Sometimes we are given an identity; but sometimes we have to find it, and other times still we need to reconnect with it. The process of finding/reconnecting with that identity can be a messy, clumsy, brave, and beautiful process all in one because along the way, we learn things, meet people, and emerge with a sense of ourselves that we never could have imagined before. Across two pieces, Julianna opens up about her continuing journey of reconnecting with her Métis-Cree heritage, discovering things about her Chinese heritage, and figuring out what it means to be Chinese-Indigenous in the context of so-called Canada – whether it’s through beautiful Métis beadwork, or an honest self-reflection. What activities would you do to try to learn more about your cultural identity/identities?

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