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Monthly Archives: April 2013

Does he look familiar?

Maybe not.

Watch this video.

I’m guessing you’ll remember him now? Ya, I thought so.

I initially saw the video about the Bubba’s Hover on Adweek. The article by Tim Nudd really caught my attention because of the picture it had on display. After reading the article, it seemed plausible that the entire video was a prank considering it was “released suspiciously close to April Fools’ Day.”

After confirmation, Bubba Watson and Oakley really did collaborate on the new hovercraft that is designed by Neoteric HovercraftIn my opinion, this is, hands down, the coolest thing to happen to golf.

This innovative design has many people asking for it in their local golf courses. But at a steep price of approximately $40,000 per vehicle, it is only making the rich man’s sport even richer.

So, what value does a $40,000 hovercraft bring to golfers?

  • makes their sport infinitely cooler 
  • allows for easier access of the golf course, especially on water and in the woods
  • doesn’t mess up the flawless green grass

As I’m reading the blog posts of other students in my marketing class, I came across Angel Liu’s reflective blog post about her group and their final project.

I must agree with her that the marketing strategy assignments were a great way to practice all the theories that were taught in class by applying them to real world companies. However for the final part of the project, instead of making a video that included recommendations made by our groups, we should have presented the information in a different manner. For my team, we seemed to have spent more time thinking about the logistics of the video than on the content itself, which is the most important aspect of the project.

Ultimately, the project allowed me to learn the contents of the textbook and lecture slides in a more informative approach and it was enjoyable to have worked in a group where all the members contributed evenly and friendships were built.

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