Reflection after the town hall meeting


Thank-you all for coming out to the town hall meeting. I hope it has served you in some way. I will be processing your input for the next few weeks, and sharing them with the faculty over the retreat. I look forward to starting a dialogue and working with many of you in the near future.

One thing that came to me after the session was this challenge of bringing all stakeholders of CHBE together to work towards common goals. The potential barriers that are present can be personal, situational, institutional, etc. I hope that we can work together to minimize many those barriers. We need all of you to recognize where you can make a difference and take charge.

To share my wish…. is to co-create an intellectual community that supports rich educational experience for all in CHBE.

I appreciated Vernique coming out and sharing her point of view. I loved the story of her being rescued when wind surfing, and tying it in with her message of knowing your goals – i.e., know where you are headed.

I hope the graduate lounge reno completes soon, giving us a change to gather again and celebrate.

The slides are posted in Doc Central which is accessible from logging into CHBE IT site. Thanks for those who came early to help set up. I was disappointed to see those who only came for food at the end.

Until next time!