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Tag Archives: modelling

There’s skinny, and then there’s impossibly skinny.

The photos below were taken directly off of a Ralph Lauren website a few years ago.

Comparing the two photos side by side [altered photo on the left], we can see considerable differences in the two pictures. Shoulder to waist comparison in the retouched photo reveal an alien-like figure. GROSS.

These pictures are not new, nor did I discover them; I am simply using them for their ‘wtf’ factor, which brings me to today’s topic: unethical marketing.

First off, let’s talk about the modelling/clothing industry.

Almost every sign in every store or tv ad features a girl who is perfectly shaped, has perfect skin, perfect hair, and perfect everything else. Some of these advertisements include hair products, skin cream, clothes, etc. Valentina Zelyaeva, the Ralph Lauren model in these photos, looked to be already ultra skinny judging from the ‘unaltered’ version. Why on God’s earth would they take to airbrushing it to make her look skinnier?! The answer will forever remain unknown. Maybe it has to do with huge self-image problem we face today.

Unethical or just plain weird? Both I’d say. There is a huge anorexia problem in today’s society. In America One in 200 American women suffers from anorexia and 2-3 in 100 women suffer from bulimia. It is reported that 5 – 10% of anorexics die within 10 years after contracting the disease; 18-20% of anorexics will be dead after 20 years and only 30 – 40% ever fully recover.

The whole fashion/modelling industry is unethical in my opinion. It is lowering women’s self esteem to the point they think they need to stop eating to be accepted. This is an ongoing issue that has to change. How you ask? I don’t know. We can only speculate and suggest ideas like creating laws or such insane notions. Unfortunately, skinny is what we like so I don’t see any change happening. Maybe in the future self image will go back to how it was when lots of curves were good; where everyone had a little more cushion for the pushin’. Personally, I like a little meat on the bones.

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