Assignments AT

Best Practices for Presentation Slides short

Best Practices for Presentation Slides Examples


Status Reports


Go through the slides on Persuasive Messages and read the Building Sponsorship Opportunities Manual

Complete deliverables 1 & 2 in the Corporate Sponsorship Proposal Assignment Indigneous Film Festival:

  1. Describe the target markets in some detail including research you can find about them that would be interesting to a sponsor. The primary target markets are indigenous people from across North America and VIFF attendees.
  2. Identify the characteristics of suitable title sponsors and make a short list of potential sponsors. Page 6 of the manual offers some suggestions for where to look.
  3. Deliverable 3 is NOT due.


Business Case Assignment

A Business Case is a document that details a specific business problem, considers a broad range of options to address that problem, and then builds the case in favour of one of those options. It provides an argument that justifies the expense, the risk and the resources necessary, as well as any potential benefits for, or risk to, the reputation or brand. It usually has an emphasis on budget, but also considers other factors.

The purpose of the report is to help a specific organization make the best decision about an important initiative by fully exploring the potential benefits and problems associated with the options available.

Business Case Assignment_AT FINAL

Read pages 97-110 of Working Effectively With Aboriginal People

Slides:briefcase Business Case 2016


Sample Work Plan Phase One

Sample Work Plan v.3a


DELIVERABLES – There are Three Deliverables for this Assignment

Deliverable One – Memo & Work Plan

In the Work Plan identify all key deliverables with team lead and deadline for each.

Write a 1.52 pages Memo to your instructor.

Due: Thursday, March 17, by email (*CC all group members)


Deliverable Two – Business Case Report

Choose a BC First Nation, identify a business issue needing a solution and a project or business that would address the issue. Write a complete Business Case for Band Council justifying the use of resources necessary. The report should be a maximum of 14 pages or 4500 words including an executive summary.

Due: Sunday, April 10, 11:59pm via turnitin


Deliverable Three – Presentation

As part of this assignment, your group will make a 5-10 minute presentation to the class who will offer comments and suggestions for improvement.

Due: Sides due Wednesday, March 30, by email. All members of the group must be present March 31 in class for the presentation.

15% of your grade for this assignment, includes the feedback you offer in class.


SLIDES:  Risk – Written Risk Assessments

3-business-case-risks diceExample 1 Risk Management Template – Large Organisation

Sample 2 Risk Management Report 20×4 – Long form

Example 3 Risk Assessment Sample Report AN

Risk Table Template

Managing Risk column by EAB



For class on Tuesday:

Individually, formulate a response to the following questions:

  • What are the economic priorities of the nation you researched?
  • What assumptions should you avoid making when proposing a collaboration with this nation?
  • Which of the vocabulary words listed in the Appendix must your management be familiar with before engaging in a collaboration process with this nation?


Please read this assignment through before class on Tuesday.

The first major assignment is Business in the News: Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility
It is worth 25% of your total mark for the course. The topic is: BC FIRST NATIONS & ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PROJECTS and is available here:

Wind Energy Assignment Jan 2016


Draft for Peer Evaluation: Sunday February 21, 11:59pm via Turnitin (for marks)


Peer Evaluations Returned: Tuesday, February 23, 11:59pm via Turnitin


FINAL DRAFT: Sunday, February 28, 11:59pm via Turnitin

Late penalty: 10% per day

The Community Assessment ACTIVITY is due February 9.

Formatting Final

Headings & Subheadings


Complete the Snow Geese Activity.snow geese image

Also complete the Connect question on the emails presentation below. Answer the questions on Connect available in the Module Folder titled “Practice Questions.” The link is on sidebar on the left.

Due:  11:59pm, Sunday January 31 via turnitin

Negative Messages & Formal Letters

emails with Connect questions


Theory of Argumentation AT Part 1

Theory of Argumentation Part 2

Mount Polley

Complete the Mount Polley Activity.

BC Government Press Release

Mount Polley Global News story

Due:  Sunday, January 17, 11:59pm via turnitin

You will find messages and assignments for the Aboriginal Topics sections on this page. You will start with an assigned text to read in full, Working Effectively with Aboriginal People by Bob Joseph. It will take an average reader about 4-6 hours to finish and should be read by the second week of classes.Working Effectively with Aboriginal People

HOMEWORK January 7:

Read the William Decision preamble (pages 5-11)

  1. Identify the top 3-5 key messages.
  2. Identify the areas that remain open to interpretation (“grey area”) in Chief Justice MacLachlan’s ruling. Why do you think she’s written it this way?
  3. What do you think this means for business in BC?

Bring a hard copy of your answers to class on Tuesday.

TRC Mini-Report

Assume you work for a prominent Vancouver law firm. Your boss has earned a meeting with the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould and has asked you to do some background work for him before the meeting.

The Deliverable: Write a mini-report (maximum two pages) that outlines what he needs to know about the TRC before the meeting.

Your report must include:

  • Appropriate research including in text citations and a bibliography (not included in the two pages)
  • A title (a title page is not necessary)
  • Headings
    • Identify all the necessary headings before you start writing
  • One set of bullet points
  • Introduction and conclusion
  • Proper grammar, use of language and a readable style
  • It must not include a table of contents or an executive summary

Due: Friday, January 10 , 3:00pm, via turnitin