Author Archives: Hao Huang

Transfer Your Photo To An Artistic Work!

Can you imagine that you can change any photo you want into a piece of art on your own? It is made possible now! Recently, researchers from University of Tubingen, Leon A. Gatys and his colleagues have found a new way to automatically transfer an image to any style while preserving the original content.

Actually, there are many methods in previous studies used to do the style transferring work. However, resultant images are not statisfiable because only low-level image features are transferred, leading to unnatural images. This time, the researchers applied convolutional neural network (CNN), a kind of neural network popularly used in photo manipulation, in style transferring. As a result, new styles could be fit in photos more perfectly without any abrupt feelings.

The image synthesized with Van Gogh’s The Starry Nigtht

Credit: Leon A. Gatys, Alexander S. Ecker and Alexander S. Ecker

Before the transferring stage, their study is mainly focused on separating content representation and style representation of images, which are features extracted from images for further recombination. Usually, the semantic content and style are hard to separate. Even for artists themselves, it is really hard to tell which part is exactly content and which is exactly style. In this study, both of them are caught by the CNN, which captures object information accurately so that both the content and the style could be used independently to synthesize new meaningful images.

Style Represetation extracted from The Starry Nigtht

Credit: Leon A. Gatys, Alexander S. Ecker and Alexander S. Ecker

The final step is not easy either. The synthesis is not simply combining representations got from the previous step, you need to decide which, original content or new style, to be dominant in the new image. Naturally, we want the new style to dominate, but in fact, a strong emphasis on style could result in images matching the appearance of artwork but losing the original content.

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The presentation of the study

Viedeo Credit: Leon A. Gatys, Alexander S. Ecker and Alexander S. Ecker

Finally, their work paid off. The synthesis images using their method show a high perceptual quality. Thanks to their study, some image style transferring services based on the study, such as, allow everyone to upload any image to produce a new artistic picture. Now, everyone can enjoy what the new technology brings to us.

Style Transferred picture from


There are still some limitations in this study, the major one is about resolution. The speed of production heavily depends on image resolution. So, costumers need to wait a long time before getting synthesis picture if they want a high-quality picture, which influence customers’ experience with the online service. Further studies could find ways to speed up the whole process so that all customers could get instant feedbacks with high quality. I believe it will popularize the service further so that more people can join in!

Could Every Introductory Statistics Student Become A Consultant?

Many Statistics students may wonder how the methods and tests learned in class can be applied outside of class. Especially, some test statistics and p-values that confuse students seem boring and meaningless, yet their applications are rarely mentioned in most of elementary statistics courses.

Example of Statistical Test

Credit: WikiPedia

An article published recently described an experiment to turn introductory statistics students into consultants. Adam F. Childers, James Madison University found that guiding students to analyze real data from Facebook helps them learn how to use statistical methods and provide useful suggestions for local businesses and organizations. The project promotes students’ interest in different statistics methods and enhances their understanding of statistics and its value further.

Motivate Students’ Interest

The author built up a semester-long project in his introductory statistics course, which provided an opportunity for students to learn descriptive and inferential statistics by applying it to real-world Facebook data. Students were split up into different groups to cooperate with local organizations. During the project, students had the chance to understand how their organization uses Facebook, which they could use for data analysis. Thanks to the project, students were put in an active position to help companies make better decisions. It was a good motivation for students to learn to apply statistics methods, which is exactly what the whole project was mainly dependent on.

Are statistics boring?

Credit: WordPress

Better to Understand Statistics

Also, students were asked to write a report about previous findings, which was a crucial part of the project according to Adam’s article. It was aimed to enable students to understand statistics. I agree with Adam for the same reason that students need to understand and apply others’ researches in case that they encounter any potential problem in the project.

Comprehend Statistics’ Real-Life Value

Finally, students needed to show their research results to their partner organizations. It was the most exciting part of the project. If I had the chance to participate in the project, I would have been proud of presenting my findings, obtained by statistics methods based on the data acquired from Facebook, to my partner organization. I could have known how useful my suggestions were to the organization—which is meaningful because all work done in the project would help the organization to grow better in the real world rather than merely concluding a rejection of null hypothesis on paper.

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No matter the suggestions worked or not, the participating students all took their first steps to become consultants. In my opinion, the most important thing for consulting is not just doing theoretical analysis on paper and make a decent conclusion but instead, applying your findings in the real world and validating the results. There are many unmeasurable variables varying from time to time in the real world that are missing on paper. Thus, there is no better way to learn better than doing a real-world application. Not only introductory students, graduate students also need to pay attention to this problem, because after all, statistics is a powerful tool to solve issues in real life.

Hao Huang