Tag Archives: brain

Singing to Treat Parkinson’s Disease: It Works!

Do you know someone that has Parkinson’s Disease? Did you know that there are more than 10 million people around the world that suffer from this disease, but there is still no cure?

A recent study has discovered what could be a therapy for Parkinson’s Disease, but it is quite unconventional! Keep reading to find out more.

To provide some background information, Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a “neurodegenerative disorder”, which means that it causes serious damage to the nerves of the brain. Symptoms of the disease include hand tremors, extreme difficulty walking as well as mental problems such as hallucinations or delusional thoughts. The disease typically affects people over the age of 50.

Diagram of the “Basal Ganglia”, which is the part of the brain affected by Parkinson’s Disease. Source: Wikimedia Commons. This image is part of the public domain.

Now, the good news! A group of researchers at Iowa State University have been investigating the effects of singing therapy on a group of PD patients, and found that the participants’ heart rate, blood pressure, as well as self-reported anxiety and sadness decreased over the 2.4-year-long treatment period. These results show that the overall health and well-being of the participants improved as a result of the therapy!

What is “singing therapy”, you ask? Essentially, the treatment is weekly or bi-weekly, and consists of sessions in which the PD patients undergo vocal exercises and sing well-known songs as a group. Researchers found that the PD patients were able to breathe more effectively after the therapy!

You might be wondering how singing could possibly affect such a complicated disease, but as lead investigator Elizabeth Stegemoller describes it,

“We’re not trying to make them better singers, but to help them strengthen the muscles that control swallowing and respiratory function. We work on proper breath support, posture and how we use the muscles involved with the vocal cords, which requires them to intricately coordinate good, strong muscle activity.”

Essentially, singing therapy is beneficial to PD patients because it helps them strengthen the muscles used for swallowing and breath control, which are tasks that become difficult with the onset of the disease.

In addition to these benefits, the study found that the patients experienced improvements in their tremors and walking.

A depiction of a PD patient drawn by neurologist Sir William Richard Gowers in 1886. This image is currently used by the medical community as a reference for the symptoms of PD. Source: Wikimedia Commons. This image is part of the public domain.

Looking to the future, researchers are hopeful that singing therapy will be implemented as a clinical treatment for PD patients, as it is cheap, extremely low-risk, and lots of fun!

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Watch this YouTube video (published by Iowa State University and available as part of the public domain) to find out more about the Parkinson’s Disease research being conducted by Elizabeth Stegemoller at Iowa State University.

Maya Liepert

How to develop critical thinking skills?

Source: New York City: NearSay

When a 13 year old by gives a speech that rivals that of an adult, he can be considered as a genius because it is unexpected for a child to think critically about serious issues. Is it really possible?

Source: MissionSelf

Growing up, people are told to develop their critical thinking skills. It is hard for one to understand how that can happen, especially not knowing how the brain works. However, research has shown that young adolescents are the ones that go through significant brain development and growth. This gives them greater cognitive development and thus, this stage is the beginning of critical thinking.

The prefrontal cortex is the main center in the brain that facilitates critical thinking. Its structure and location in the brain is shown in the figure below. It gives people the potential of consideration and voluntary control of emotional responses, thinking and behavior. Humans have the highest percentage volume of the prefrontal cortex compared to other animals, giving them a higher potential of critical thinking. It is the last part of the brain to mature rapidly changing between 8 and 16 years and continuing into the 20s. The networks in this area are stimulated during these ages, strongly influencing the development of socio-emotional control and high thinking skills, developing into adulthood.

Source: neuroscienceofdating

In the book Mind in the Making, Ellen Galinsky, PhD, gives an articulate revelation that it is important for parents to build on the emotional and social skills as well as intellectual competencies in children during their preschool years. This ensures that they grow up with full potential for their thinking skills to develop. At this stage, there is a lot of curiosity. Curiosity develops when there are new things and a child does not know or understand what these things entail. This is also the same for adolescents and adults. In the video below, Dr. Craig Childress gives a brief description of how critical thinking skills can be developed in children noting that it is important to improve communication with children as they grow.

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Teachers play a significant role of facilitating thinking, opening the door to discourse using open-ended assignments, performance tasks and problem-solving opportunities, which can be used in the application of knowledge through creativity.

Therefore, it becomes important to develop critical thinking skills through the evaluation of evidence, learning the concept of cause and effect, separating fact from fiction and learning from personal experiences and other reliable resources. Experiments and tests can be made up and then hypotheses created and tested where a person can ask questions and evaluate the available information to come up with conclusions. This requires having critical thinking skills where the issue can possibly be identified.

Wenyu Zhao


Galinsky, Ellen. “Mind in the making.” National Association for the Education of Young Children: Washington, DC 124 (2010).