Category Archives: Science Communication

Young Blood, Old Soul

We often hear our grandparents telling their stories in those “good old days”. Indeed, who doesn’t want to stay forever young? Humans all experience physical and mental function declines as we are inevitably getting old and a lot of researches have been done so far to solve the mystery of aging. As evidence piles up, scientists say that the fountain of youth may lie in the blood.

Credit: Geralt

Can we reverse aging? Credit: Geralt

A recent paper published on Communications Biology showed a restored cognitive function in old mice after they received bone marrow transplantation from younger mice. They found that the level of a critical chemical, called CCL11, in blood was lowered in young bone marrow recipients mice and therefore reasoned that hematopoietic (blood cell generating) system may play a special part in regulating CCL11. This molecule is thought to have an inhibitory effect on nerve cells regeneration, which is a hallmark of aging.

However, this is not the first study in the field. In fact, discoveries on the rejuvenating power of young blood can be dated back as early as 1970s when scientists surgically connected the blood vessels of two lab mice with different ages so that they could share the same circulating blood. The old mice did become younger in terms of some physiological aspects. And more researches have found similar results and pinned down some critical molecules responsible for aging.

Blood transfusion reverses aging in mice
Credit: GeoBeats News


Those findings are very promising in helping us understand the mechanism of aging and develop drugs or therapies to fight some of the age-related disease, such as Alzheimer’s disease, in the future. However, our keenness to stay young has already been taken advantage of by some people. A start-up company in California called Ambrosia charged $8,000 to give clients one-time infusion with blood plasma from young people. Just in last month, FDA stated that “we’re concerned that some patients are being preyed upon by unscrupulous actors touting treatments of plasma from young donors as cures and remedies.” Soon after that, Ambrosia stopped their transfusion treatments.

Indeed, it’s not the time to jump the gun yet. First, those findings in animal models may or may not be applicable to humans yet: we still need more evidence to prove that. Secondly, such treatments are generally beyond the regulation of FDA, and they may bring other risks, such as blood-borne diseases, not to mention the societal consequences. Therefore, it seems we do have a long way to go before we find the real fountain of youth.

Written by Xin Dong


Is Eastern Wolf a Distinct Species?

The top-down regulation of ecosystems requires the action of top carnivorous predators like wolves. However, due to human activities, there has been a large reduction in the number of wolves in North America, which requires our immediate conservation. It is urgent to save endangered species because protecting endangered species like wolves from extinction is protecting ourselves from extinction. To be specific, without wolves in the ecosystem, the conditions of other animals and plants will be disturbed and altered unpredictably, and the disturbance may result in a more wide-spread collapse of species, including human beings.


Wolves in Yellow Stone National Park affect many aspects of the ecosystem (credit: National Park service)


Eastern wolves, native to North America, are one of the wolves/coyotes that have been disappearing, and are claimed to require protection by the law. The origin of eastern wolves (Canis lycaon) has been the subject of an ongoing debate and controversy. Specifically, while some claimed that eastern wolves are a distinct species, others argued that they are the hybrids from other wolves.


Eastern wolf (Canis Lycanon) (credit: Michael Runtz)


As the debate proceeds, scientists have found controversial evidence, including morphological and genetic analysis of wolves, giving inconsistent interpretations of the origin of eastern wolves.


Different canis types, eastern wolves (second from left) (credit: ScienceNews)


According to the law, only endangered species are qualified for protection, while hybrids are not. Therefore, the mysterious origin of eastern wolves creates problem for the government because whether eastern wolves are qualified for protection by law cannot be determined currently.

In conclusion, the most urgent act is for scientists to solve the mystery of the origin of eastern wolves, and then the government can determine whether eastern wolves should be saved as a top predator.

Holy Smoke!

Visual contrast between a traditional cigarette and an e-cigarette. Source: Flickr Commons. This image is part of the public domain.

Do you think you’ve seen an increase in the amount of e-cigarette smoke emanating from people as they walk along Main Mall? If you have, you’re definitely not alone. According to a study conducted by the University of Waterloo in 2015, researchers found that 3.9 million Canadians have reported trying an e-cigarette and around three hundred thousand Canadians reported daily use. But are these statistics actually worrying? In short, it depends who you ask. A recent poll revealed that the public was evenly split between those that thought traditional cigarettes were worse than e-cigarettes and that e-cigarettes were as bad or worse than conventional cigarettes. Due to the relative adolescence of e-cigarettes, there are no long-term safety studies or research about the effects of e-cigarettes. However, from the research that has been conducted, it seems to suggest that e-cigarettes aren’t all that great.

Schematic of an e-cigarette. Source: Wikimedia Commons. This image is part of the public domain.


First off, let me take you through the science behind the e-cigarette or electronic cigarette. An e-cigarette is a battery-powered device that converts liquid nicotine into a mist, or vapor, that the user inhales without any of the harmful chemicals found in a traditional cigarette. Most e-cigarettes contain a mouthpiece or cartridge, a heating element, and battery. As a user sucks on the mouthpiece, a sensor activates a heating element that vaporizes a flavored, liquid solution, which is then “inhaled” or “vaped”.

Argument for E-cigarettes

The saving grace for e-cigarettes has always been their safety in comparison to conventional cigarettes. The traditional cigarette is the leading cause of premature death in Canada and is related to more than forty-five thousand deaths annually, which amounts to twenty percent of all deaths in the country. Smoking increases the risk of stroke, heart attack, COPD, asthma, diabetes, and a variety of cancers. Most of the carcinogenic effects arising from traditional cigarettes comes from the tar, which, incidentally, is not found in e-cigarettes.

Argument Against E-cigarettes

Instead, e-cigarettes contain a cartridge of liquid that includes flavourings dissolved in propylene glycol and glycerol. The propylene glycol and glycerol may not be dangerous on their own, however, they can decompose when heated and be transformed into toxic compounds like formaldehyde. In addition, some e-cigarettes also contain nicotine, which is highly addictive and also increases your risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and increased heart rate. Furthermore, since nicotine is so addictive, it is also believed that it will lead smokers of e-cigarettes to try traditional cigarettes. As for e-cigarettes without nicotine, the liquid found in e-cigarettes, also known as e-liquid, poses a threat because it contains diacetyl, a chemical compound associated with a rare lung disease that results in damaged airways in the lungs.


In conclusion, whether you believe it or not, e-cigarettes provide a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes, but are still dangerous on their own. If you don’t already smoke cigarettes, it is highly recommended that you avoid e-cigarettes.


~Austin Chang

A Critique on the Static Nature of Cancer-research Articles

(Cancer, Source: Alpha Stock Images)

Recent statistics released by the Canadian Cancer Society estimate that one in every two people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Statistics that if accurate, implore the general public and scientists alike to ask what progress is being made on the front of finding a cure for cancer. Enter “The State of Cancer: Are we close to a cure?” by Maria Cohut, an article published in Medical News Today written with the intention of answering this question.

pros of the Prose

In the current epoch of ‘fake news’ where inaccurate claims are shamelessly made, this article employs the use of a ‘fact checker’. A useful method that should become an industry standard. This coupled with the utilization of hyperlinks to the literature referenced, facilitates an opportunity for readers to critically appraise significant claims. Such as the compelling statistic that a staggering 1 in 6 deaths globally are cancer related. A statistic that emphasizes the timeliness of the article, whilst offering the reader a tool to confirm the compelling results for themselves and instilling confidence that a month later it will not be debunked as inaccurate. When concerning a topic and data that impacts so many people not only nationally but internationally, and on which hope is so quickly built upon; it is imperative that such articles are transparent in their conclusions.

COns of the Content

A pathological issue in the cancer-article genre is the writer’s inability to connect the research and breakthroughs to the readers beyond an informative description. Cohut breaks down the frontiers of cancer research; but, falls short of informing the reader (and possible patient) on ways to get involved in the study in either a volunteer or donor capacity. Often the topics of such articles are still in a research and development phase or preparing to enter hum

(Lost, Source: Pixabay)

an trials. The need for both volunteers and donors may exist, but too often fails to be addressed. The target audience for these cancer treatment articles have recently received a life-changing diagnosis or heartbreaking news and are in search of hope. When articles such as Cohut’s become fixated on describing the ‘latest and greatest’ in cancer research, they fail to pay off on what interested the reader in the first place, the hope to engage in a mutually beneficial opportunity to improve their chances of beating the diagnosis.

Is ‘ok’ okay?

Cohut’s article identifies the current state of knowledge in cancer research, but ultimately fails to leave any lasting impact, which is disappointing considering that involving a reader in such research is as simple as a hyperlink. In Canada, where individuals have a 50% chance of receiving a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime, should the medium evolve to equip and involve their readers or settle with a catchy title, an ‘ok’ article, and no practical takeaway message?

(Hope, Source: Alpha Stock Images)

By: Jonathan Kraft

Is Alpha BRAIN a Real NZT-48 Limitless Pill, or Snake Oil?

Finding a smart drug like Bradley Cooper’s character in the movie Limitless is a dream of most university students. In this movie, Bradley Cooper discovers a mysterious pill, NZT-48, which allows him to access 100% of his brain. This starving writer transforms into a financial genius overnight.

Adderall XR in a pill bottle. Adderall is an amphetamine, usually prescribed to those with attention deficit hyperactive disorder, or ADHD. (Photo uploader:

Alpha BRAIN is a drug that Onnit, the manufacturer, claims will improve brain function. Alpha BRAIN is an all natural, caffeine free, gluten free supplement that Onnit says has been “…shown to help improve memory & focus”.

Although it would be great if an all-natural, safe, cheap supplement existed that would allow everyone to be a genius, this does not seem to be the case. The evidence does not support Alpha BRAIN being a real life NZT-48 Limitless pill. Not only is there major financial conflict of interest in the studies around Alpha BRAIN, the results of these studies are deliberately contorted to benefit the supplement industry.

With the increasing prevalence of “smart drugs” on university campuses, it is obvious that students are trying to get ahead of the competition. These cognitive enhancing “smart drugs” are known as nootropics. Nootropics such as Adderall and Ritalin are DEA Schedule II drugs along with cocaine, methamphetamine, OxyContin, fentanyl and other dangerous substances. This tight governmental control makes it difficult, not to mention illegal, to acquire smart drugs like Adderall and Ritalin without a doctor’s prescription. But no fear, Onnit is here!

You may have heard celebrities like Joe Rogan in “The Joe Rogan Experience” talk very highly of a supplement called Alpha BRAIN. Onnit is a company which creates and sells supplements to fix a plethora of issues. Their top selling supplement is Alpha BRAIN. For about $1 a pill, Onnit promises enhanced memory and focus. Onnit’s website states,

“If you aren’t taking Alpha BRAIN, you are playing at a disadvantage.”

Onnit refers to a clinical study on their website which found that Alpha BRAIN improves memory and focus. This study, conducted by Todd M. Solomon and his team, was funded by a grant from Onnit – oh how convenient! Solomon also personally received monetary compensation for consulting with Onnit.

Cognitive enhancement was measured through a series of several tests in both the placebo group and the Alpha BRAIN treatment group. Each group showed one instance of statistically significant cognitive enhancement. This does not prove that Alpha BRAIN actually works like Onnit leads its customers to believe. All it shows is that Alpha BRAIN has a success rate equal to that of a sugar pill.

Will Alpha BRAIN improve your grades? Probably not. Will it hurt you? Probably only your wallet. There is no evidence to support Alpha BRAIN as an effective cognitive enhancer. In the famous words of Richard Carlson,

“If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.”



Written by Nick di Lello

Fast radio burst signals

Artificial Radio waves is one of the most common electromagnetic radiations in the modern world. Nowadays, people use it in broadcasting, radar, and other systems. However, natural radio waves come from the space objects and we will talk about one of these natural radio waves, Fast radio burst(FRB).  On 9 January 2019, it is reported that the astronomers found the second repeating FRB source by using CHIME which is a new radio telescope in Canada. This repeating FRB source was from over 1.5 billion light years away and it was named as FRB 180814. But, what is FRB exactly?

CHIME experiment construction (Mateus A. Fandiño)

FRB is a transient radio pulse and the length of it start from a millisecond to a few milliseconds. Although FRBs is reported for multiple times, the repeating fast radio burst is quite rare and only two of the repeating FRB is FRB 121102 and this FRB 180814. The first signals from FRB 121102 were discovered in 2012 and it was confirmed that it was caused by plasma dispersion. However, FRB 121102 was observed by astronomer Paul Scholz in November 2015 again. He used the Arecibo radio telescope to find 10 repeating fast radio pulses from May 2015 TO June 2015. In the next few years, the FRB 121102 was recorded once again in 2016,2017 and 2018, this showed that it is not a one-time event.

But what are the sources of these FRBs? We are still yet to confirm the source of fast radio burst signals, but it is suggested that it could come from a highly magnetized rotating neutron star(pulsar). A neutron star is the collapsed core of a giant star. Some of the neutron stars will emit electromagnetic radiations such as FRB so that they can be detected by instruments.

Neutron Stars(NASA Goddard)


Some scientist suggested that the repeating FRB could come from an unknown extraterrestrial intelligence. They argued that the FRB repeating signals is an artificial stray blast and they are caused by spaceships. However, this is also a hypothesis and it is not be proven.

In conclusion, these “sources” for FRB are all assumptions and the source of FRB signals still remain to be unknown. Scientists are still working on it and looking forward to solving this mystery.


Siming tang

Cultural Influence on Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that causes a person to lose touch with reality. Symptoms would often include hallucinations, delusions, depression, and abnormal speech and behaviour. But did you know that a person with schizophrenia can behave and think differently depending on the culture they’re in?

A woman hallucinating. Image from

In America, people with schizophrenia would often hear voices that are rather harsh and violent. These voices would often say something that would insult the person or tell them to do something violent or inappropriate. This can lead to depression, suicidal tendencies, and also violent tendencies.

However, the voices that Africans and Indians hear are considered to be benign. According to studies, Africans and Indians would often hear voices that would encourage them or voices that were rather playful in nature. The voices can also be thought of as a companion for them.

The difference between how schizophrenia appears in people of a different culture is most likely to be caused by the societal values of the culture and also how different cultures portray schizophrenia.

In America, schizophrenia is seen as a mental illness that causes a person to lose themselves. The person would lose their individuality and their sense of self. The voices as thus are seen as an intrusion which would then create a conflict between the person and the voices. As a result of the rising conflict between the “voices” in the person’s head, the voices would begin to become violent and uncontrollable.

Meanwhile, Eastern and African cultures have a more collectivist view. This shaped their auditory hallucination in a way that allowed them to hear voices from their relatives or friends that have passed away. They think of the voices as a form of their close ones trying to help and guide their life and some even think of it in a religious context, where God is trying to talk to them and guide them. This allowed them to make peace with the voices and think of the voices as companions.

Angel talking to a man. Image from

The comparisons between how cultures affect schizophrenia could allow for improved or new treatments for schizophrenic patients.

Gloria Chan