Assignment 1: Reflective Paper

  • Article/book/interview report: (due at the start of class 3, posted to personal blog and submitted by e-mail as a link. Guideline length of 1000 words plus appendices. (This is not a strict maximum but you should discipline yourself to stay close to this length – it will increase the likelihood of it being read, especially in your blog.) Provide a synopsis and implications that will be interesting and useful for an audience of professional marketers. A good review cannot simply précis the content but needs to also provide a critique in the context of other prior work in same area. Ask yourself some questions, such as is this really new or simply a collection of old ideas that have been recast? Is the evidence robust and compelling? What are the implications for marketers? If you choose to undertake an interview, then select someone in industry who is active in eMarketing and set up to ask questions that you think will reveal interesting answers. Your write-up should distil the useful implications.

o      If you want to cover a topic from multiple sources, or review a blog, podcast or other form of e-marketing info, then this is possible, via written pre-approval from the Instructor. Please take good care to explicitly cite any material drawn from other reviewers. It is reasonable for you to draw on the work of other reviewers, but to add value and provide something new and useful you will need to reference others in a limited and selective way so that your own views come through. Please reference carefully – I reserve the option to process these through Turn-it-in after submission.

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