M1: P4: Ikaarvik SciQ

Thinking about who controls technology and the information flow in and out of communities, particularly in reference to research, reminded me of the Ikaarvik program.

Ikaarvik: Barriers to Bridges is a program that works with Arctic youth to be the bridge between research and their communities. Youth identify and explore the strengths of Inuit Knowledge and the strengths of science, and how the two ways of knowing can work together to address issues of local concern. They work with their communities to identify local research priorities, and they work with researchers to address those priorities.

Ikaarvik youth introduce the concept of “ScIQ”–incorporating Inuit knowledge, values and principles (Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit, or IQ) and science for more meaningful community engagement and better research results. If you didn’t know what IQ is, not to worry–Ikaarvik youth are here to help! Read the Ikaarvik youth’s peer-reviewed paper on ScIQ in the journal Arctic Science

Ikaarvik ArcticNet 2020 ScIQ Presentation [12:48 minutes]

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