Author Archives: Jasmeet Hothi

M4, P5: The Role Educators Play Towards Reconciliation

The First Peoples Principle of Learning, “Learning recognizes the role of Indigenous knowledge” highlights the importance of us as educators making sure we educate ourselves first when it comes to Indigenous knowledge before trying to integrate Indigenous perspectives and content in our teaching practices. Jo Chrona (2016), who is the Curriculum Manager for the First Nations Education Steering Committee, when explaining the significance of this principle, states that there needs to be a “willingness of educators to see themselves as learners, and seek to develop their own understandings first.” I think taking this course, for me, is one way I can do that, as well as through my own research, but that is not enough. I realize this learning continues. I found that there is a free 6-week MOOC available through UBC on Reconciliation through Indigenous Education, which seems to offer much value through the course description. I see there are also similar courses offered at other universities in Canada as well.

Have any of you taken this course or a similar MOOC—if so, how did you find it?

Chrona, J. (2016). First Peoples Principles of Learning.

Reconciliation through Indigenous Education. (2021). Reconciliation MOOC. UBC.

M4, P4: Culturally Responsive Inquiry Learning

Illustration showing the outline of a human head with a question mark and other icons symbolizing thinking

Image: ©

Critically examining the information we obtain, taking ownership of our learning, and gaining insight into out identities are aspects of the First Peoples Principles, “Learning requires exploration of one’s identity” and “Leaning ultimately supports the well-being of the self, the family, the community, the land, the spirits, and the ancestors.” These are also aspects involved in “culturally responsive inquiry learning,” as discussed in Jeffrey Hinton’s recent Edutopia article, “Culturally Responsive Inquiry Learning.” I found this to be a useful read because it illustrates how we can aid in students growing into independent thinkers by actively participating in their own learning through choice, inquiry, and skill-building. I thought it was particularly important touching on Geneva Gay’s culturally responsive teaching framework that reveals the importance of “giv[ing] students the opportunity to identify, analyze, and solve real-world problems, particularly those that have resulted in legacies of privilege and oppression.” I think as educators we need to give space and opportunity for learners to make learning meaningful by being part of the process and choosing what it is they wish to learn more about, rather than trying to teach at our students. I think technology can aid in this inquiry process through the internet, for example, being a vast resource centre.

Hinton, J. (2021, July 8). Culturally responsive inquiry learning. Edutopia.

M4, P3: Authentic First Nations Films

Representation matters when it comes to the texts we read and view in our classroom; this is especially important to me as an English Language Arts teacher who never saw myself represented in any of the stories we read in school. As we have discussed through the readings about digital media and self-representation, I think showing texts that are told from Indigenous people are vital for representation and authenticity. The website First Nations Film offers videos “for, by, and about First Nations” and can be used educationally. There are previews available for the films and they can be purchased for streaming, as well as DVD, on the website.

First Nations Educational Videos (2021). First Nations Films. First Nations Films.

M4, P2: Storytelling and Perspective through Film

I have shared how I have explored ways to help students tell their stories, whether through different accessible tools or resources online. I think it is also important for students to view examples of the power and impact of digital storytelling, such as through film. I found the website, Short of the Week, which offers, through their YouTube tab, access to various short documentaries, dramas, comedies, etc. that tell stories about serious issues and themes that could be discusses in class. When looking through the site, I was able to find films from Canada and the film, Gas Can caught my eye. It is a short drama about “a Cree family who run out of gas [and] ask an old farmer for help while moving to the city,” set in Saskatchewan in the 1970’s. It is created by a non-Indigenous filmmaker, Mattias Graham and deals with racism. When reading more information about it and the filmmaker’s point of view, I found it interesting that Graham was trying to tell the story through the perspective of an Indigenous person through this empathy, but he shares that in his first attempt and test screenings, he actually made the audience “ very sympathetic toward the white farmer” and “in trying to make a film about racism, [he’d] inadvertently made a racist film.” He had to then re-examine the film and put the focus on the Cree family and not the white farmer. I think this could be an important discussion or topic to address when it comes to filmmaking and perspective prior to beginning the storytelling process.

Short of the Week. (2021). Gas Can. Short of the Week.

M4, P1: FPPL & Technology Implementation with Place Based Learning

When conducting research for my final project about whether or not technology could help implement the First Peoples Principles of Learning within the classroom, I actually found a website resource created by former students in the UBC MET program that conducted similar research. In this resource, they share recommendations of incorporating technology meaningfully. I found Recommendation #1: Place Based Learning Using QR Codes and Student Voice intriguing because I was curious about how technology could factor into Place Based Learning. In this recommendation, they share a community project where students from Chase Secondary and Haldane Elementary with the help of Secwépemctsin language teacher Ivy Chelsea created a “Story Trail” in Tsútswecw park. They recorded “stories and information about the landscapes, plants, and important aspects of the local indigenous communities” and also used the Secwépemctsin language in the informative audio recordings. It is stated on the site that “visitors are able to use their smartphones to scan the QR codes and listen to the descriptions as they travel along the trails and become immersed in the rich culture and history connected to the area.” More information on this can also be found on the BC Parks Foundation website.

Monkman, K., Scott, S., Laurie, M., & Drozda, J. (2019). Recommendation #1: Place Based Learning Using QR Codes and Student Voice. First Peoples Principles of Learning.

M3, P5: Blogging & Self Expression

Blogging Research Wordle

“Blogging Research Wordle” by Kristina B is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Learning as being reflective, supporting wellbeing, and exploring one’s self are aspects that are part of the First Peoples Principles of Learning. As I have been looking into the role technology could play into incorporating the FPPL into my English Language Arts classroom, I found studies on the effects of blogging that I think were fitting as blogging is something that involves aspects of the ELA competencies as well. Hibsch and Mason’s (2020) study, “The New Age of Creative Expression: The Effect of Blogging on Emotional Wellbeing,” shares connections between reflective journaling and wellbeing and blogging for self-expression. Similarly, Hanney and Skirkeviciutey’s (2019) study “Reflection, Identity, Community: Affordances of Blogging for Social Interaction and Reflective Dialogue” reveals how blogging can support with various skills and identity formation. I think it could be interesting to incorporate blogging into my teaching practices, but there are various ways to do so. In my own past experiences with blogging, I have more so used them as portfolios rather than for regularly journaling. With this course blog, I find it so useful to share and view resources as we are learning because I feel like it adds value to the learning process overall. I am able to make connections to what I am researching as I type each blog post and others are able to share their connections as well. It would be interesting to see how blogging could be used in my classroom for reflective practices or for other forms of expression.

Hanney, R., & Skirkeviciutey, G. (2019). Reflection, identity, community: Affordances of blogging for social interaction and reflective dialogue. Education and Information Technologies, 25(3), 1553-1569.

Hibsch, A. N., & Mason, S. E. (2020). The new age of creative expression: The effect of blogging on emotional well-being. Haworth Press Inc.

M3, P4: Raven Reads  

In my journey to bring authentic Indigenous texts into my English Language Arts classroom, I came across Raven Reads, which is a Canadian company that is Indigenous and woman owned. It offers subscriptions to boxes containing Indigenous books and giftware for adults and kids and hopes to educate people about “the devastating impact residential schools had on Indigenous people in Canada” and help build mutual relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. I think this is such a great concept and would be a valuable gift in and out of the classroom. Looking at one of the adult boxes, for example, there is “a book written by an Indigenous author, a letter from the author or box curator, one printed culture card teaching you about an Indigenous culture from around the world, one Indigenous hand-made craft or art piece, and one literature-themed trinket.” There are also blog posts on the Raven Reads website that offer valuable information, such as book suggestions.

Raven Reads. (2021). Current Collection. Raven Reads.

M3, P3: Authentic Resources

Throughout this course, many of us have discussed the importance of including authentic Indigenous resources in our classrooms. In BC, the First Nations Education Steering Committee and the First Nations Schools Association put together an Authentic First Peoples Resource Guide that includes authentic First Peoples texts that “present authentic First Peoples voices, depict themes and issues that are important within First Peoples cultures, [and] incorporate First Peoples story-telling techniques and features.” This guide is for grades K-9, and includes information about the texts’ reading level, curriculum areas, themes/topics, and publication dates.

Authentic First Peoples Resources. (2016). First Nations Education Steering Committee & First Nations Schools Association.

M3, P2: Incorporating Indigenous Perspectives in the Classroom


“Growth” by AdamSelwood is licensed under CC BY 2.0

My final paper explores how to embed the First Peoples Principles of Learning in my classroom community, which involves incorporating Indigenous perspectives within my teaching practices. When looking into ways this has been implemented, I found an article based in Australia, which shares some of the same ideas we have been talking about in our discussions within this course when it comes to our problematic educational system. Neil Harrison’s chapter, “Teaching Indigenous Perspectives in the 21st Century Classroom: An Exploration of Quality Pedagogy in Australian Schools” (2009) reveals that within education, Indigenous people are often referred to in the past tense and there is not enough of an understanding of Indigenous knowledge or ways of doing to be appropriately shared or represented within teaching and learning. Harrison reveals the importance of the role teachers play in developing relationships and understandings between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. He also asks teachers to “reassess their own place in history” and invest in learning, both during pre-service teacher training and after. I think this is very valid as I know  reconciliation really does start with us educators and the education system.

Harrison, N. (2009). Teaching Indigenous perspectives in the 21st century classroom: An exploration of quality pedagogy in Australian schools in V. Green & S. Cherrington (Eds.), Delving into diversity: An  international exploration of issues of diversity in education (pp. 99-108). Nova Science Publishers.

M3, P1: Voice Matters

Speak up, make your voice heard

Speak up, make your voice heard” by HowardLake is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

When exploring some of the First Peoples Principles of Learning, such as “Learning requires exploration of one’s identity” and ‘Learning is embedded in memory, history, and story,” I was looking at ways to enhance student voice within my classroom. I came across the website and organization called Unlocking Silent Histories.  This organization aims to offer support to many Indigenous youth around the world by providing access to technologies and skills that could help them create their own documentaries, sharing stories in their perspectives. Their “goal is to cultivate indigenous youth leaders and provide global access to traditional knowledge and problem-solving approaches that contribute to sustainable community-led actions.” Additionally, I found an Edutopia article that showcases some of their work and how it can be done in a classroom, which I think could be helpful as well.

DeGennaro, D. (2014, January 14). Unlocking silent histories: Critical and creative expression for Indigenous youth. Edutopia.

Unlocking Silent Histories. (2021). Our Work. Unlocking Silent Histories.