Tag Archives: FirstPeoplesTexts

M3, P3: Authentic Resources

Throughout this course, many of us have discussed the importance of including authentic Indigenous resources in our classrooms. In BC, the First Nations Education Steering Committee and the First Nations Schools Association put together an Authentic First Peoples Resource Guide that includes authentic First Peoples texts that “present authentic First Peoples voices, depict themes and issues that are important within First Peoples cultures, [and] incorporate First Peoples story-telling techniques and features.” This guide is for grades K-9, and includes information about the texts’ reading level, curriculum areas, themes/topics, and publication dates.

Authentic First Peoples Resources. (2016). First Nations Education Steering Committee & First Nations Schools Association. http://www.fnesc.ca/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/PUBLICATION-61502-updated-FNESC-Authentic-Resources-Guide-October-2016.pdf