M1, ENTRY 1: Centre for Indigenous Innovation & Technology

Module 1: The Global and the Local in Indigenous Knowledge

Entry 1: Centre for Indigenous Innovation & Technology 

The Centre for Indigenous Innovation & Technology (CIIT) combines technical and social innovation to enhance the well-being of Indigenous communities. Additionally, the Centre is invested in cultivating Indigenous talent in the tech sector through an elaborate ecosystem consisting of a skills accelerator, research and advocacy, and a collaborative network; there is also explicit recognition of the paramount importance of reconciliation inherent in the Centre’s work (CIIT, 2021).

Indigenous cultures have long been stereotyped as purely emblematic of the past, but founder Jarret Leaman states that traditional knowledge and values can be incorporated into “modern” learning and EdTech tools. According to CIIT (2021), Indigenous people represent only 1.4% of individuals with a STEM post-secondary credential. Promoting Indigenous representation in the tech sector is a critical way in which Indigenous knowledge and pedagogy can carve a meaningful place in a highly tech-driven world, in addition to enhancing economic, social, and political participation in ways that are culturally responsive.

To me, the Centre demonstrates a tremendous capacity for experimentation by endeavoring to bridge gaps pertaining to traditional knowledge and “modern” technology, in addition to skill and knowledge gaps in the tech sector. In the video below, Jarret Leaman explains his motivation for founding the Centre.

CIIT. (2017, November 30). Be a Part of the Change [Video]. Retrieved from https://ciit.io/

Centre for Indigenous Innovation & Technology. (2021). Centre for Indigenous Innovation & Technology. Retrieved May 12, 2021, from https://ciit.io/

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